If you’re ready to let go of your negative thoughts and the baggage that is weighing you down, if you’re ready for a life filled with joy, purpose and meaning, please join me on the Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter. Being here and putting in this noble work is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and others. Afterall, the more peace we bring into our lives, the more peace we bring into this world.
There are four common mistakes in our thinking that nearly all of us make and that contribute to our suffering. These misguided thoughts that stem from false beliefs cause us to inadvertently harm ourselves, our communities, and our planet. In this podcast, I share what those mistaken beliefs are, where they came from, how to spot them, and what we can do about them. I talk about how they block…
Forget disinformation, misinformation and malinformation. We live in a world of mass information. Every one of has access to endless content on our phones, TVs, VR headsets and tablets. Unfortunately, those algorithms don't tell us what is actually the most important, helpful, useful or honest content to consume. So what are we to do? In this podcast, I share how we can navigate this increasingly complex media landscape, how to…
Most people have a misconception about spirituality. Most people think you're either spiritual or you're not. But spiritual is not something that some people have and some people don't have. The question is whether we're connected to our spirituality or not. In this podcast, I explore the true nature of spirituality. I share where spiritual answers can be found. I discuss the roadblocks we face on our spiritual journey and…
Why is doing nothing the hardest thing in the world? It's not a mystery. It's because we are so used to doing, achieving, consuming, creating, analyzing and judging. But when we can break through that compulsion to mindlessly fill up the peaceful silence with needless noise, the world becomes ours. There is perhaps no greater ability than the ability to find peace and joy within ourselves. In this podcast, I…
Meditation and being present are great ways to be happier and more calm, but can they really lead to enlightenment? Is enlightenment possible? Can a person really be in a zen state all the time? Even at work?!?! In today's podcast, I answer these questions and more as we dive into what enlightenment is, how to get it, why you're not enlightened, and how to make sure you're getting the…
We all have times in our lives when we are going through difficult times and we start to wonder why the heck we're here? We can begin to lose faith that we are here for any other purpose than to suffer. But there is a cause for this crisis of meaninglessness. When we understand the cause, we are able to see that it is not life that has lost meaning.…
Oftentimes, we try to conform in order to get approval and acceptance. But we never get it and we just end up pretending to be someone we're not. The truth is, we won't be liked by everybody. But the more we can be ourselves, the more we will find genuine friends who love us for exactly who we are. In this podcast, I share a 4-step process for finding your…
Introspection is a natural activity that humans have been doing since we've been around. Today however, we have very little time in our waking lives to think, reflect and ponder. This has led us to forgetting how to do this very important and necessary practice. In this podcast, I talk about why some people feel depressed after reflecting on something difficult in their lives, and I share how we can…
Is life a competition or a cooperation? What is the best way to achieve in life? If some people get ahead by cheating and competing, would we be fools to "play by the rules?" The truth is, whether we see the world as a competition or a cooperation has less to do with the world and more to do with how we see the world. If we feel separate from…
We hear that desire is the root of all suffering. But sometimes desire can lead us toward finding our future spouse. It can lead to success, fun times, and good health. Desire is even often what sets us down the spiritual path. So is desire always bad? Why do we have this insatiable desire within us? Is there more than one kind of desire? And how can we use desire…