If you’re ready to let go of your negative thoughts and the baggage that is weighing you down, if you’re ready for a life filled with joy, purpose and meaning, please join me on the Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter. Being here and putting in this noble work is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and others. Afterall, the more peace we bring into our lives, the more peace we bring into this world.

How to Free Your Mind From Emotional Attachments

What is the nature of attachments? Why do we develop them if they only cause suffering? How do we break free from the grip of attachments and how do we still form healthy and loving bonds? These are the questions we delve into in today's podcast.

Path to Peace Stop Torturing Yourself with Your Thoughts

Why do we suffer a tragic event long after it's over? Why are our joyous celebrations so short-lived?  And why do minor inconveniences and annoyances have the power to ruin our whole day? It's all because of the conditioned voice in our head. For most of us, that voice is the unconscious, unintentional result of our upbringing and  experiences in life. But, we all have the ability to recondition our…

My Experience at Himalayan Monastery — Buddhism Podcast

Without knowing hardly anything about Buddhism, Todd Perelmuter decided to jump in with both feet by going to live at a Buddhist monastery as a monk in the Himalayan mountains in India.After months of living in complete silence, without technology or a phone, and even without books except for Buddhist texts, Todd discovered a wisdom and philosophy that would totally change his life as it had for countless Buddhists for…

My Job is Making Me Unhappy, Should I Quit My Job?

Right now in the U.S., half of all employees are considering quitting their job.  That's a lot of people unhappy with their work. The question is, will quitting this job and finding a new job make them happier? Or, will they be as miserable or more miserable at their next job? To find out, Todd goes through a few questions we each need to ask ourselves before making any huge…

Easy Techniques to Prevent Self Loathing

How de we control our thoughts when it seems impossible? How can we transform our mindset? Todd Perelmuter explores these and other questions in today's podcast. Find out why we become self-loathing, what the causes are, and learn easy techniques to stop and prevent self-loathing.

Hate Meditation & Want to Know the Alternatives?

For many people in the West, just the idea of meditating is a major source of stress. People will try doing just about anything before trying "not doing," aka meditating. Many people will say walking or swimming or dancing is their meditation. So is that really meditating? Is that equally beneficial as meditation? In this podcast, Todd Perelmuter explores alternatives to meditation, the differences between meditation and meditative activities, and…

Does Believing in Spiritual Oneness Means Rejecting God?

Whether a person is religious or an atheist, it is common to wonder if spirituality, Buddhism,  yoga or meditation go against their beliefs. Some worry they are sinning or that they will be punished in some way. And still others fear this will lead them into atheism.So, does oneness conflict with any religions? Is it compatible with no religion? Does it clash with science?  And can I keep my old…

Is It Possible to Meditate Standing?

Can I meditate while standing? Driving? Biking? Walking? Talking??? I get it. We all want to reach that blissed out feeling 24/7. So what's the best way to get there? Will standing meditation hurt or help? These questions and more will be answered in today's episode. I'll talk about the benefits to sitting meditation, why we sit, and what kind of effects standing will have on our practice. While we…

How to Incorporate Zen Meditation into Our Lives

The way we approach meditation is not like how we approach everyTHING else in our life. Meditation is approaching noTHING. So, unlike everything else, in meditation, there is nothing to achieve. There is no future outcome that we desire. There is only the here and now. We do it for the sake of doing it. It is only in this way that all the benefits of meditation can come. Todd…

Am I Meditating? What Does a Meditative State Feel Like?

Ever wondered if you're actually meditating while you're meditating? Ever wondered what a meditative state is like? Then tune in. In this podcast, Todd Perelmuter  talks about the key differences between a meditator's mind and a normal person's mind. You'll hear all the benefits a highly focused, meditative state can bring, and how to get it. Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter