If you’re ready to let go of your negative thoughts and the baggage that is weighing you down, if you’re ready for a life filled with joy, purpose and meaning, please join me on the Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter. Being here and putting in this noble work is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and others. Afterall, the more peace we bring into our lives, the more peace we bring into this world.

The Secret of Being Less Judgemental to Others (& Yourself)

We've all got these judgmental, opinionated, critical voices in our head — relics from a time where humans lived in the wild and in constant physical danger. Today, we live in relative safety, but whether we're at the office, in traffic, or a line at the supermarket, our bodies are in an almost constant state of stress.This subtle constant stress puts our judgmental mind into overdrive. Instead of judging whether footprints…

Practical Ways to Add Mindfulness to Everyday Life

Meditation isn't about the time we sit down with our eyes closed. It's about how that time impacts the rest of our day and our life. While the benefits of meditation naturally spill out into our day, there are a few easy things we can do to bring even more mindfulness, peace and patience into our daily life. In this episode, Todd shares those tips and tricks for living our…

Is It Really Possible to Teach Mindfulness to Kids?

When is the right age to teach mindfulness to kids? How do you do it? Should you do it? In this podcast, Todd answers these questions and many more about teaching mindfulness to children.While kids may not suffer from the same stresses as adults and may not need to get the same benefits as adults, mindfulness for kids comes with countless other benefits. Studies have shown that kids who learn…

Path to Peace How to Overcome Impatience to Improve Your Life

In our fast-paced world, it's very easy to internalize the hyper speed frenzy all around us. But this frantic pace is destroying our mental health, our relationships, and our lives. We may feel like we're getting more done, but in truth that chaos comes at a price we will pay later. We are human beings, not corporate ladder climbers. We need rest to perform our best. And if our mind…

When Your Family Doesn’t Support You, Do This One Thing

The world is changing faster than ever. Today's generation is growing up totally different than their parents.  Not everyone will understand the changes, and not all changes will be beneficial to human flourishing. When we stay balanced on our middle path, we can take into account our family's feelings, but we can also live our own life, our way and on our terms. We can welcome advice, but we can…

How to Earn Money Without Losing Your Soul

There is a cosmic irony to this law of the universe: the more we try, the more likely we are to fail. This law is true in sports, art, dating, earning money and just about everything else. The more we force effort, the more we repel the thing we want. The more pressure we put on ourselves, the more nervous we get and the more mistakes we make.Forced effort isn't…

3 Easy Tricks to Find More Peace & Contentment in Your Life

What is the secret to peace and contentment? Why is it so elusive? We all seek it and yet very few of us have it. We are bombarded with "solutions" for discontent everywhere and all the time. This or that product will finally give you the feeling of wholeness. The next iPhone will be the last product you'll ever need... until the next model comes out. This car, that house,…

Path to Peace How to Handle Betrayal Trauma

Unless you live under a rock, you have probably experienced some kind of betrayal  trauma. It is the most prevalent kind of trauma known to man and practically universal. Someone at some time in your life has broken your trust, not cared for you the way you deserved, abused or taken advantage of you. It's part of being human. But no matter what we've been through, we all have the…

Does Your Self-Worth Come From Your Appearance?

Today on the show, a user on Twitter asks the question, "My self worth is based on my appearance. How can I move past that and become more confident?" In the age of social media, this question has never been more important. Todd explains why we feel this way, what impact it has, and what we can do to be more confident and more comfortable in our skin.

Have You Tried Meditating With Your Eyes Open?

In this podcast, Todd Perelmuter answers a common question about a meditation style known as Open-Eyed Meditation. Open-eye meditation varies from staring at a candle flame to staring at a crystal, from staring at a statue of a God or staring at a blank wall. The fact is, almost any meditation is a great spiritual practice that has some benefit, and this one is no different. From more joy, more…