If you’re ready to let go of your negative thoughts and the baggage that is weighing you down, if you’re ready for a life filled with joy, purpose and meaning, please join me on the Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter. Being here and putting in this noble work is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and others. Afterall, the more peace we bring into our lives, the more peace we bring into this world.

Does Your Self-Worth Come From Your Appearance?

Today on the show, a user on Twitter asks the question, "My self worth is based on my appearance. How can I move past that and become more confident?" In the age of social media, this question has never been more important. Todd explains why we feel this way, what impact it has, and what we can do to be more confident and more comfortable in our skin.

Have You Tried Meditating With Your Eyes Open?

In this podcast, Todd Perelmuter answers a common question about a meditation style known as Open-Eyed Meditation. Open-eye meditation varies from staring at a candle flame to staring at a crystal, from staring at a statue of a God or staring at a blank wall. The fact is, almost any meditation is a great spiritual practice that has some benefit, and this one is no different. From more joy, more…

How Can We Live a Life Worth Living

When we embark upon our path to peace, we frequently find ourselves at a fork in the road. One way, is safe, easy, familiar and has the allure of peacefulness.  The other way is scary, unknown, adventurous and requires great courage. One way seeks outer peace, but the other way creates inner peace. When our inner peace is dependent on external circumstances, we will have a chaotic life. When we…

Todd Perelmuter Quits His Job to Go on a Spiritual Journey

After meeting his shaman in Chile who told him to follow his heart, Todd returned to his NYC life. He was a highly awarded Creative Director at the world's largest ad agency, all by the age of 31. Hear what possessed him to leave it all behind in search of meaning and purpose. On this podcast, we'll be sharing stories and spiritual lessons from throughout his 9 year journey. So…

Should You Force Yourself to Meditate If You Don’t Feel Like It?

Many people wonder if they should meditate even when they really don't want to. Others wonder if it's better or worse to meditate when sick. And some may even feel worse after meditation and wonder if this ancient spiritual practice just isn't for them at all.In this podcast episode, I dive into the debate about whether we should force ourselves to meditate no matter what, or if we should only…

Want Best Meditation Results? Meditate at This Time

One of the most common questions Todd gets is, "When is the best time to meditate?" Many meditation teachers have many different answers to that question and they give many different reasons for their answer. In this podcast, Todd goes into all the different theories about when to meditate is best, he explores what the science says about it, and he reveals the one true answer to that question that…

Path to Peace The Cure for Loneliness

Human beings need social connection in order to live full, happy, safe and protected lives. It's hardwired into our DNA. No human was brought into this world without the love and nurturing of someone else. But too often in our modern society, we find there is no tribe, no village, and no community to offer that safety and comfort. In this podcast I talk about the two types of actions…

How Mindfulness Leads to Success in Professional & Personal Life

Some people think spirituality and business don't mix. But I have noticed time and time again that when people become spiritual, they become more successful. Whether it's Ray Dalio, billionaire CEO and investor who discovered the benefits of meditation, or Elon Musk who infuses his Neuralink and SpaceX enterprises with the mission of expanding human consciousness, spiritual human endeavors often produce the greatest value. Not just for our wallets either,…

How to Free Your Mind From Emotional Attachments

What is the nature of attachments? Why do we develop them if they only cause suffering? How do we break free from the grip of attachments and how do we still form healthy and loving bonds? These are the questions we delve into in today's podcast.

Path to Peace Stop Torturing Yourself with Your Thoughts

Why do we suffer a tragic event long after it's over? Why are our joyous celebrations so short-lived?  And why do minor inconveniences and annoyances have the power to ruin our whole day? It's all because of the conditioned voice in our head. For most of us, that voice is the unconscious, unintentional result of our upbringing and  experiences in life. But, we all have the ability to recondition our…