How to Walk the Buddhist Middle Path?

For the better part of nine years, I lived in monasteries, ashrams, tribes and forests. I even spent months in silent meditation retreats. During all this time, I was trying to figure out who had the best methods and teachings. Some retreats were very strict, where we’d meditate in tiny prison-like cells for 14 hours a day. 3am wakeup times, total silence, and nothing but meditating and eating two meals. Some places…

What Will Happen to Our Consciousness in Future

The future is coming at us fast. If we look at the trend of where technology is headed, we can see robotics and software becoming smarter, faster, and smaller. In many ways, computers are smarter than humans, but a computer still can't design a computer better than humans can. They lack the creativity and the conscious awareness that humans have. So, if the seemingly inevitable merger of humans and machines…

Is Oneness Scary? Will It Make Me Suffer for Others?

A near universal experience as people begin to go down the spiritual path is that they discover that when they are no longer disconnected from the rest of the universe, they become highly sensitive and empathetic. This can be a very uncomfortable experience at first simply because it is so new and different. Some people wonder if this means that the spiritual path is bad or not meant for them.…

Is Human Consciousness a Glitch? Exploring Its Mysterious Evolution

Q: Dear Todd, I want to know how consciousness got infected in the first place. Why isn't all of this just common knowledge and our natural operating system? Why are there errors in the code? If everything is one... why is it so... human? TODD ANSWERS: Physically, we are not much more evolved than neanderthals. We think we are wise, but in reality we are merely the first species smart…

How to Feel One With Everything

It is not easy to undo a lifetime of seeing the world in a specific way. The conscious mind can much more easily grasp onto a concept than it is for the heart to feel it on a deep level.In fact, in this instance, it appears like the mind is trying to think its way into the heart, but it doesn't really happen that way. The Union of the heart…

Is Consciousness a Creation of the Brain?

It appears to me that the brain is a creation of consciousness. I interpret the double-slit experiment to demonstrate that consciousness creates our physical reality. Every atom, and the space between, is infused with the underlying unifying field of consciousness, and it is brought forth from wave to matter when it interacts with our consciousness. And that universal, infinite, all-dimensional consciousness is a fundamental nature of our universe. No matter…

How to Move Past the Illusion of Separateness

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterBeing present isn’t just about being fully engaged and aware, although that is a part of it. It means getting out of our head and connecting to this bigger and broader universe. It’s about going beyond the words we hear, say and think. It’s seeing more than the objects in front of our faces. It is to be deeply connected with everything.When we…

How to Be at Peace If Life Is Unfair

I know it, and you know it. Terrible things happen to wonderful people and wonderful things happen to people who've done tremendous harm.  If even a great man like Gandhi was assassinated, what chance do the rest of us have at a peaceful and good life?! So how can we understand the seeming unfairness in our world? How should we exist in, and respond to, an unfair world? Should we…

Is Pure Consciousness Aware of Change or Suffering?

Is Pure Consciousness aware of change, suffering, etc., and if so, how is it that It does not change, and/or suffer?Phenomenal question. If a camera is shaking, stillness cannot be perceived. If a camera is still, both stillness and change can be perceived. So our consciousness must be changeless because we are able to perceive stillness. Consciousness is the witness of suffering, not the suffering. It is the witness of…

Can One “Lose” Enlightenment?

True enlightenment can never be lost. Many people, throughout many stages of their spiritual journey, may experience what feels like enlightenment. They have a moment of being, pure bliss, and free from thoughts, only to immediately have their clinging and grasping mind try to analyze and hold onto it, which of course instantly ruins the moment. This happens because they don’t fully understand their experience. With total enlightenment, we become…