Enjoying the Illusion of Life

If you can see it, feel it, hear it or think it, it is an illusion. So yes, kindness and cruelty are both illusions. Pain and pleasure exist in our mind and nowhere else. But that doesn’t mean they’re both meaningless. “Illusion” does not mean we dishonor the illusion. We don’t have to ignore it nor neglect it. We also don’t have to get attached to it. Illusion simply means we…

How Does Individuality Fit into Oneness

The universe exists on many planes of reality. On one hand, it’s entirely empty space because all matter is made up of empty space. On the other hand, there is no empty space because energy and quantum fields pervade the entire universe. And then there is the illusion that there is stuff and there is space, and the things appear separate and independent from one another.Any three of these interpretations…

What Are We Seeking?

Life is very simple. Human beings have made it very complicated.As consciousness peering through bodies and minds, we observe the hardware of the body and the software of our genetic code. The bodies have certain requirements and the code makes sure we seek it out.If we didn’t have desires, we would not seek out food, shelter, mates, safety for our children, and connection to the divine mystery of the universe. Desire…

Do I exist Now because of what happened in yesteryears?

We all exist because of events that take place in this eternal stream of presence. The future is tied to the past, it is not separate. But it all happens in the present moment. The future will happen because of what we do now, and what we do now is because of what came before. So you could say we are also only here because of what will happen in…

Violence: Accept or Fight Our Biological Reality?

Q: Dear Todd, isn’t violence part of the universe, our biology? Are we supposed to accept it as it is or fight it? TODD ANSWERS: We live in a universe where black holes eat entire planets. Stars are giant nuclear reactors that will destroy anything that gets close. Meteors and volcanoes can wipe out nearly all life. And bears do not care about your feelings, your God, or your concept…

What is God’s Role in Being Present Everywhere?

Q: Dear Todd, what exactly is God's role in being within us and present everywhere? Why is it so helpless while witnessing all the violence, crimes, suffering, and misery? How can it not do anything? If this was the design, this big puzzle, then what's God's role? We cannot even hear His voice because our minds are constantly playing games. If there's a divine energy within us, how do we…

Your Suffering Comes From Others Suffering

Q: Dear Todd, what if your suffering comes because you see the suffering of other people and animals and the earth? I have everything I will ever need and am in a place of safety and comfort so do not suffer for my own circumstances. But it kills me to see the suffering of others and I do everything to help others and animals. TODD ANSWERS: I would say change…

Trying to Fit in With People Who are Not Spiritually Awakened Yet

Q: Dear Todd, I experience non-dual consciousness pretty regularly. What I struggle with is sometimes there is a loneliness attached to it because most people in my daily life are asleep, and I end up forgetting about the non-dual nature of reality just to “fit in” and live my life without seeming crazy. Any advice? TODD ANSWERS: Spiritual practice is to constantly accept what is then move forward with wise…

12 Spiritual Motivational Quotes to Change Your Life

Everyday for a few moments, put away all distractions and find peace in the present moment, in the stillness. There is awe and wonder and beauty in everything. If you don't see it, you have to look deeper because it's there. As long as you make a life worth living, as long as your job is just a job, and the more you can be happy for other people's successes…

How to Deal With Cruelty in the World

Q: Dear Todd, how do we deal with the cruelty going on right now, here in our country and elsewhere in the world? How does one control anger about towards those who are uncaring and greedy and mean?! TODD ANSWERS: Anger is an emotion that always carries us away. When we develop the ability to stay present in the midst of these emotional storms, we can recognize that anger doesn't…