Are Your Thoughts Bothering You?

Just the other day, I had a ton of work to do and my mind went, “Ugh, work.” Immediately, my head slumped down, my shoulders slouched, and heavy emotions started to come over me.Thank goodness I noticed that thought. Because I was paying attention, I witnessed the thought and emotions, observed my resistance to the workload, and I saw how the resistance was causing me stress, not the work. I was…

Stop Escaping Negative Emotions

It is Mental Health Awareness Month, and this year let’s remember that true mental health is not just the absence of illness. It is the presence of Mental Wealth, which comes from tapping into the infinite abundance of joy and peace within. At times we may feel like we are in a bliss deficit, but there is a surplus inside every single one of us. Yes, it may be covered up…

Read This if Everyone Around You is Doing Better Than You

Isn’t life a funny thing? We’re all striving, working hard in business and on ourselves. We’re all on a journey to succeed and grow. And yet, so many of us are ashamed of where we are right now on our journey. We’re jealous of other people who insecurely show off. We’re all growing, and yet we’re all embarrassed about it. The fact is, wherever we are on our path in…

How to Walk the Buddhist Middle Path?

For the better part of nine years, I lived in monasteries, ashrams, tribes and forests. I even spent months in silent meditation retreats. During all this time, I was trying to figure out who had the best methods and teachings. Some retreats were very strict, where we’d meditate in tiny prison-like cells for 14 hours a day. 3am wakeup times, total silence, and nothing but meditating and eating two meals. Some places…

How to Survive Being Ghosted by Your Loved Ones

A few years ago I moved to a new neighborhood in New York. I didn’t know anyone in the area, but I was excited to explore and make new friends. One day on a walk, I ran into a dear old friend who I used to be very close with and found out he was practically my next door neighbor! We made plans to have dinner later that week and…

Do You Have the Fear of Disappointing & Angering Others?

All fear stems from the same cause — our mind is trying to protect us from danger. But today, that mental relic is rearing its head even when we are not in any real physical danger. When we’re afraid of disappointing people, it tends to come from some experience in our past that left an indelible mark on our psyche. Someone at some time hurt us, made us feel worthless, and…

How to Move Past the Illusion of Separateness

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterBeing present isn’t just about being fully engaged and aware, although that is a part of it. It means getting out of our head and connecting to this bigger and broader universe. It’s about going beyond the words we hear, say and think. It’s seeing more than the objects in front of our faces. It is to be deeply connected with everything.When we…

How to Reprogram Your Mind

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterWe live in the greatest time ever to be alive. We also live in the worst time ever to be alive.Both statements are 100% true. This is why people on the news can argue endlessly. The question is, which world do you want to live in: the best or the worst? The world we live in all depends on where we choose to put…

Recognizing And Addressing Unequal Relationships

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterI heard a recent statistic that 27% of Americans are estranged from a close family member, and that number is likely far higher due to the stigma and shame around such difficult family situations. (More on how to survive a dysfunctional family in this podcast.)Relationships can be messy. We do not live in a utopia that cares first and foremost about creating healthy,…

Addicted to Approval? Learn How to Overcome

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterWe all have a story about ourselves and our lives that plays on repeat in our mind. It may be negative, it may be positive, or it may be mixed. No matter what the story says, we tend to believe it and defend it at all cost. Even if it makes us miserable and insecure, we hold on tightly to it. It is…