How Do You Explain Happiness to Someone Who Has Lost Job?

Q: Dear Todd, how do I explain happiness to someone who lost his job and was then evicted for not paying the rent? On top of it all, has a serious illness in his ankles. I am so overwhelmed with his pain and trying to help him as much as I can.TODD ANSWERS: I really understand. Often it’s harder to see someone else’s suffering than it is to go through…

How to Deal With Uncertainty About the Future in Life

None of us are promised tomorrow, we are only promised this moment. That can be scary, but it also makes this moment more beautiful, more precious, and more special. And while tomorrow’s uncertainty can be scary, the fact that this infinitely wondrous world is still spinning in all its complexity, can give us some peace of mind.Living in this mysterious universe isn’t always easy, but it is always perfectly in…