Are Your Thoughts Bothering You?

Just the other day, I had a ton of work to do and my mind went, “Ugh, work.” Immediately, my head slumped down, my shoulders slouched, and heavy emotions started to come over me.Thank goodness I noticed that thought. Because I was paying attention, I witnessed the thought and emotions, observed my resistance to the workload, and I saw how the resistance was causing me stress, not the work. I was…

Read This if Everyone Around You is Doing Better Than You

Isn’t life a funny thing? We’re all striving, working hard in business and on ourselves. We’re all on a journey to succeed and grow. And yet, so many of us are ashamed of where we are right now on our journey. We’re jealous of other people who insecurely show off. We’re all growing, and yet we’re all embarrassed about it. The fact is, wherever we are on our path in…

The Only Thing That Solves Financial Anxiety

All of us since we were very little children, started developing a relationship around money. Unless you were born in the top 1 percent, that relationship has probably had some degree of stress and anxiety. It's only normal. We need it and there never seems to be enough of it.Obviously we can't eat money, but it can certainly buy food, and so, we treat money like we used to treat…

Why We Feel Dissatisfied With Life & How to Fix That

No matter who you are, no matter where you live, no matter how rich or how poor, job or no job, we can all fall prey to that creeping dissatisfaction that can ruin our lives. Fortunately,  peace and happiness are possible for each and every one of us. Right here. Right now. We can accept where we are, we can work towards a brighter future, and we can love every…

How to Maintain Calm in the Time of Challenges

Our Stories Are Different, But We Are the Same Though everyone's story is different, we will all face challenges and difficulties. Some things will require urgent and decisive action, and others will call for patience and calm. No matter our story, the best thing we can do is to practice being present and centered through the hard times and the good times. When we spend some time centering ourselves every…

Do You Have the Fear of Disappointing & Angering Others?

All fear stems from the same cause — our mind is trying to protect us from danger. But today, that mental relic is rearing its head even when we are not in any real physical danger. When we’re afraid of disappointing people, it tends to come from some experience in our past that left an indelible mark on our psyche. Someone at some time hurt us, made us feel worthless, and…

Meditation for Mental Health? Read This First

Most people think dealing with mental health issues has only two options: medication and talk therapy. What people often don’t realize though is that there are now stacks of literature proving that meditation can help with mental health. Everything from depression to anxiety, bipolar to BPD, addiction to OCD and more.In this article, I will share some of the literature and studies on how meditation can help with mental health…

How to Remove Fear From Mind And Heart

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterDon’t be afraid to sit alone with your thoughts and allow yourself to work through them. What you fear to be unbearable is not so scary. But we must face down the monsters so that we can conquer them. We must shine a light on the dark corners we wish were not there.Suppression, repression, and distraction are most people’s favorite methods for dealing…

Spend Time in Nature to Reduce Stress of City Life

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterAs someone who lives in New York, I’ve met a lot of lifelong New Yorkers who have told me they don’t like nature, they don’t need it, and they’re doing just fine without it. Many of those same people also confided in me that they struggle with alcohol, depression, anxiety, impatience, sleep issues, dissatisfaction in life, loneliness and stress. This is not a…

How to Make Decisions You Won’t Regret Later

The seeds of this moment were planted in the past. What we do now will blossom in the future. If we are always attentive to the present moment, we will always tend our garden well. Whether we make mistakes or not, with presence we will always remain confident that we can correct course, make a change, adapt to new circumstances, and learn from our experience. Path to Peace with Todd…