Break Free from the Game of Telephone (Part 2)

In my last newsletter I talked about 3 ways to win at life’s game of telephone, and how to stop letting other people plant thoughts in our head. Today I want to talk about how to trust ourself and follow our heart.Whether it’s our own thoughts or the words from other people, it’s just noise. That which goes beyond words is what’s true. People have been developing opinions for thousands…

Life Is a Game of Telephone. Here’s How to Win

Have you ever wondered how much you know, how much you think you know, and how much you think you know because someone else thinks so?The information we have bouncing around in our brains is divided into three categories: what we experience first hand, what we hear from others, and what we believe about the things we hear.99% of our information (totally made up statistic) comes from other people — the…

How to Find What Makes You Happy

The moment you can sit in stillness and silence, and actually allow your body and mind to become fully at rest, and be able to completely relax the same as if it’s been 1 minute or 1 hour; that is the moment that everything in life will come alive to you because you are at peace with nothing.If we search for happiness in something outside of ourselves, whether by drugs…

Turning Fear into Calm: Finding Balance Amid Life’s Challenges

Q: Dear Todd, We can never seem to fully 'trust'—and take action—that our circumstances will transform into the dream lives we're told we deserve. I keep trying to steer us back to gratitude first, and then move forward from there to shift our vibration to abundance. But when it comes time to pay bills, plan a much-needed vacation, or face unexpected expenses, it’s hard not to get absorbed in fear…

Finding Patience When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned

Q: Dear Todd, I really struggle with being impatient with myself. I feel like any goal I set can be accomplished quickly within a specific time frame (like 2 years), as long as I follow the schedule perfectly. I don't allow myself any breaks or leeway for delays, and if I do, I just get more frustrated because I think, 'If I had only worked on it earlier, I could…

Should I Leave My Corrupt Country After Losing Everything?

Q: Dear Todd, I live in a developing country that is corrupt, where money and connections really matter. The people here seem irrational. I chose the wrong path back then, but I was sensible enough to recognize that it was a defining moment in my life. I made up my mind with courage, but now I’ve lost everything, including my relationships with important people. What should I do? Should I…

How to Generate Interest When There is None

Q: Dear Todd, how can I generate interest in an activity when there is none? TODD ANSWERS: It's really about recognizing that story in our head that says it's boring or uninteresting, and then refocusing on the positive motivations you have for doing the thing. Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter The Art of Gratitude This film is a roadmap back to our grateful hearts.

Can Bliss and Trauma Coexist in the Same Moment?

Q: Dear Todd, not every moment is pleasurable, in my opinion. When your car slides off the edge of an icy logging road and time slows down, you're going to feel instinctual, epigenetic fear coursing through your body. Maybe there's a yogi who experiences bliss during traumatic events, but I would guess that at that point, you're ready for Nirvana. And is that really Nirvana if you experience trauma, fear,…

Nothing is Working Out in My Life

Q: Dear Todd, lately nothing has worked out for the last year and a half. People are so unreliable and narcissistic. Very disappointing. The many many esoteric videos, GIFs, and blurbs I’ve read and practiced along the way awareness, meditating, letting go, realigning, non-judgment, helping others, forgiving, asking guides/angels for help, trusting the Universe…none of that has panned out. Today I sit here disappointed, disillusioned, sad and angry because now…

How Can I Stop Self-Doubt from Causing Stress and Failure?

Q: Dear Todd, in my case, all my stress and chronic anxiety come from insecurities and a lack of self-worth. I'm selfish and unkind to people sometimes, but it's not because I want to be; it's because of how I feel about myself. Every moment of my life, I feel I'm not enough and am always afraid of failing. So I stress and stress, can't sleep, and end up failing.…