My Spiritual Experience with Grief & Healing

Recently, my family has been struck with that most unfortunate of news. A giant in our lives and a guiding light was recently diagnosed with late stage terminal cancer. While I have been mostly offline these past couple weeks, I would be honored to share my experience with grief that I have been going through, and hopefully it can bring some solace and perspective into your own life.When we get…

The Role of Spirituality in Coping with Cancer: 8 Tips

Many people ask me if meditation is good for coping with cancer. "How can I find the good in cancer?" is another question I get asked all too often. As someone who has seen many loved ones go through this battle, this is a deeply personal topic for me.The fact of the matter is, cancer is one of the worst, scariest things many people will ever go through. When you’re…

My Grief Journey: How Spirituality Helped Me Cope With Loss

Recently, my family was stuck with that most tragic of news that every family receives but no one ever expects. A few weeks ago, we got the call that one of the closest people in my life has been diagnosed with late-stage terminal cancer. So, how does someone who teaches about spirituality grieve? Do they grieve? What does loss look like to someone who teaches non-attachment and impermanence? In today's…

Finding Peace After Childhood Trauma As an Adult

Learning to let go is a lot harder when it's letting go of childhood trauma. When we're young, experiences will shape how we see the world for the rest of our lives. It becomes deeply engrained and becomes that much harder to heal from. But there are ways to do it. It is possible to reach deep into our psyche and pull out those weeds of trauma and plant beautiful…

Getting Rid of Bad Habits Permanently (A Complete Guide)

How to Get Rid of Bad Habits When There is Unprocessed TraumaAll addiction stems from unprocessed trauma. We feel some kind of pain, lack, discomfort or discontent in our body, and we seek out pleasures to provide relief. When we rely on that relief as a crutch to end those negative thoughts, it becomes an addiction.Every time we repeat a bad habit we strengthen those neural pathways in our brain,…

Can Meditation Help Fight Depression?

There are many more questions that envelope the idea behind meditation and spirituality. But one of the major questions that everyone asks is can meditation help fight depression? Depression is one of the most common yet most debilitating forms of mental illnesses a majority of us are suffering from today.The idea is that with meditation, you can begin your journey towards healing from this demon of depression. But what is…

I Lost My Soulmate. How Do I Let Go of My Love?

Losing a soulmate can mean the loss of a partner due to death, divorce, or unrequited love. I will cover all three cases and discuss how to survive each one.Case 1) Lost My Soulmate: Grieving Over the Loss of a PartnerThere is no person we will ever be closer to than our spouse. We share beds, we share every secret, and they are the person we rely on for strength…

Struggling to Move on After a Sexual Assault

Q: Dear Todd, I have been sexually assaulted and betrayed by many. I have been struggling emotionally to move on when there is so much injustice around. What advice do you have for me?Todd Answers: You’re a very strong survivor. I hope you are able to give yourself the time and love to feel and then heal from those traumatic events. Be patient with yourself, don’t focus on outcomes or…

This is Why You Are Trapped in Victim Mentality

Maybe predators smell fear. Maybe it's sensed. Or maybe there is some quantum mechanics going on. But for whatever reason, when people see themselves as victims, they're more likely to become victimized. This has been demonstrated by people walking down the street. They are more likely to be attacked or robbed if they think they might be. In contrast, people who exude a calm confidence don't get bothered as much.…