How Not to Get Consumed by Regrets in Life (Most Effective Solution)

We've all been there. We think things are going to go one way, and then life throws us a curveball. We  try to plan, control and predict every little thing, but this universe has bigger plans than our little ideas.We will all have moments in our lives that we wish went differently. The question is, will we learn from it? Will we be open to the  possibilities that this new…

What to Do When Life Doesn’t Go As Planned

There are two things taking place when we feel like our life is not going the way we hoped or wanted it to. The first thing is expectations — those pesky things created by society, our loved ones, and our own biased assumptions about how life should be. The second thing is a feeling of stuckness — that dull feeling, which lacks newness and excitement, that stems from repetitive and monotonous…

When Your Child Gets Bullied

Q: Dear Todd, what about bullying especially as a child? My daughter has a great beautiful heart, but over 4 years now she is bullied and it has changed her really. Do we have something inside that makes such things happen on the outside? I am quite desperate to learn how to handle all that and hope for impulses also from the spirit world cause I learned the most happened…