How to Stop Relying on Other People for Your Happiness

When we expect others to make us feel better, we become the outsourcer of our own happiness. And while it can be very healing to have close people in our lives who we can share our problems with, sharing can all too easily turn into dumping. When we dump all our problems onto others with the expectation of them making us feel better, we are not valuing the other person in…

How to Cope With Someone Ghosting You (Only Way That Works)

Dealing With Being GhostedWe’ve all been there. Someone texts you, you text back, and then, silence. Sometimes it takes a few hours, sometimes days, and sometimes never.Or, when dating, you might really like someone and you think, “This can really go somewhere,” but then they disappear. Sometimes you just keep waiting for that text which never arrives. You may cycle through every emotion: anger, confusion, sadness… You keep analyzing what…

How Can I Find Peace When Dealing with Long-Term Illness?

Q: Dear Todd, will you please give me encouragement on healing from a long-time illness? I'm told I can heal but I feel hopeless. TODD ANSWERS: I just want you to know that your body is an incredibly amazing healing machine. We know for certain that our mental state can either make us sick, or it can help us recover.So I simply encourage you to view your pain and discomfort,…

When There is No Hope Left, Do This

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter Newsletter Hope is a funny thing. We like it, we crave it, and we feel we need it. But when things don’t go as we hoped, we suffer. Getting our hopes up and to have them crushed, over and over again, can be agonizing. So, what are we to do? The problem with hope is that wanting it causes our feelings of hopelessness.…

Why Does Life Always Seem to Be a Struggle?

Our mind is the determiner of whether we are happy and content, or longing and dissatisfied. We may think it is because of this situation or that one, but one way or another we find out that it always stems from our mind. The question is, will we learn to become the masters of our mind or not.Yes, we all wish for possessions, praise, friendships and a loving family. But,…

How to Control the Ego and Forgive Others

At the heart of every conflict is at least one or two outsized egos. These egos tear families apart,  break up lovers,  ruin friendships, and turn strangers into enemies.  So how did we get here? Why do we have these egos? Are our egos protecting us or hurting ourselves and our relationships? In this podcast episode (subscribe here ), I talk about how we can forgive without getting hurt again,…

Make This Change to Feel More Satisfied With Your Life

We humans are striving animals. More than any other species, humans have big goals, dreams and ambitions. Only humans want to change the whole world. That's both why humans are so successful, but it's also why we're never quite satisfied. So how can we be happy with what we have while still striving for more? How can we struggle our way towards success, and yet be happy along the way?…

How to Stop Obsessing Over Your Flaws & Imperfections

Learn to be Okay With Your Scars It’s a funny story of how we all got to be our own worst critics. It started with the mean comments we heard from others when we were kids. Next, we began to judge others to make ourselves feel better. And finally, once the voice in our head became hyper-critical of others, it inevitably turned its focus upon itself. This is how most…

When You Are the Bad Guy in the Family

Q: Dear Todd, it's tough knowing that, (at the moment), I am the person bringing the people I love down. I know what living with "toxic negativity" is, but I am trying to forgive who I was and be a better me. I hope others can forgive me, (again), too. TODD ANSWERS: Awareness and good intentions are the first and the most important step of that healing and forgiving journey. Most…

How to Say No Without Hurting Anyone’s Feelings

Q: I have always loved everyone since I was young. But over time that love has died. I used to be a happy person but things have changed in me. I gave too much but didn’t receive the same back. Any thoughts?Todd Answers: You can only give what you have to give. This is why it’s so important to listen to your body and mind and know when you need…