Raging Person, Unapologetic And Causes Pain to Others

Q: Dear Todd, my stepdaughter had an alcoholic mother who has passed away. And I have recently accepted that I too am an alcoholic. My husband and I haven’t had any booze for 4 months. I suffer over my step daughter tremendously. She is a raging person and never ever apologizes, mostly blaming her behavior on others. She has caused so much pain to her small children, all of her…

Is It Really Possible to Teach Mindfulness to Kids?

When is the right age to teach mindfulness to kids? How do you do it? Should you do it? In this podcast, Todd answers these questions and many more about teaching mindfulness to children.While kids may not suffer from the same stresses as adults and may not need to get the same benefits as adults, mindfulness for kids comes with countless other benefits. Studies have shown that kids who learn…

When Your Family Doesn’t Support You, Do This One Thing

The world is changing faster than ever. Today's generation is growing up totally different than their parents.  Not everyone will understand the changes, and not all changes will be beneficial to human flourishing. When we stay balanced on our middle path, we can take into account our family's feelings, but we can also live our own life, our way and on our terms. We can welcome advice, but we can…

Is It Bad to Avoid People Who Are Mean And Hurtful?

Q: Dear Todd, is it bad to avoid people who are mean and hurtful rather than to spend time with them? TODD ANSWERS: I think of it the way I think of art. I deeply love all art because it comes from a place of wishing to make the world a more beautiful place. However, I can’t hang every piece of art in my house, so I have to be…

Emotionally Abused in Relationships or Dating?

Q: Dear Todd, I have an inferiority complex. Every time I date, I just end up being emotionally abused by my partner. TODD ANSWERS: Inferiority in dating is so common, you probably regularly date people who also feel inferior. We’re all insecure to some degree. It’s totally normal and healthy to have a healthy degree of self-skepticism. If I never doubted myself, I’d probably have worn my Superman cape to…

Path to Peace The Cure for Loneliness

Human beings need social connection in order to live full, happy, safe and protected lives. It's hardwired into our DNA. No human was brought into this world without the love and nurturing of someone else. But too often in our modern society, we find there is no tribe, no village, and no community to offer that safety and comfort. In this podcast I talk about the two types of actions…

How to Free Your Mind From Emotional Attachments

What is the nature of attachments? Why do we develop them if they only cause suffering? How do we break free from the grip of attachments and how do we still form healthy and loving bonds? These are the questions we delve into in today's podcast.

How to Stop Feeling Jaded And Bitter Over Time

Love is the glue that holds this universe together. It is the gravity that unites two star crossed lovers. And it is the only reason we exist — it brought our parents together, love nourished and protected us through infancy, and it is the only reason we haven’ blown ourselves up yet.Love is a feeling as innate as hunger. Instead of leading us to food, love guides us towards being more…

Parental Stress & Anxiety? Try This Spiritual Solution

Q: Dear Todd,I gave birth to my daughter a year ago and she has taught me a lot of things about being present and appreciating every moment we have. However, no matter how mindful I'm trying to be, I struggle to keep anxiety away when it comes to her well-being or happiness. Would you have any advice for me on this?Todd Answers: Our love can easily turn into anxiety, attachment,…

How to Handle Resentment in Marriage the Right Way

What's the Root Cause of Resentment in Marriage? All resenting stems from resisting. Resentment comes from resisting another person's actions, behaviors and habits. Instead of allowing the person to be, we silently resist who they are. That silent resistance turns into spoken or unspoken anger, distance and mutual hardship. What Can We Do When We Feel Resentment in Marriage? The absolute best thing we can do when feeling resentment is…