How to connect with people when you feel like an outsider

As you undoubtedly know, our society has become much more fragmented in recent years. All of America used to be able to connect at the office water cooler by joking about the most-watched show on TV the previous night. Today, people work remotely, live TV isn’t really a thing, and everyone is following the fake lives of strangers instead of their own friends and family. But! This fragmentation provides great…

Do We Need a Relationship or Partner to Complete Us?

If we overthink about it, life can be very confusing. There is so much information that we are bombarded with daily, from ads to movies, from social media to our in-person interactions. Within all of that information are subtle cues that tell us how life should be, what a perfect life looks like, and how you'll finally be happy if only (fill in the blank). But, all of that noise…

How to Deal With Lack of Affection in Your Life

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterWe all need human touch and affection. (If you’re currently experiencing loneliness and a lack of physical touch, this video is for you.) It is as innate a drive as hunger and thirst. We love love, and so we seek it out, we crave it, and it is this force that has helped us work together to survive and thrive on this planet.It…

Don’t Give Anyone the Power to Treat You Bad

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterCruel words can only hurt us if they are tinged with truth. Not with objective truth, but with our own personal truth. Objectively, no words would ever hurt us because we would be looking at our situation rationally, from all angles, and we’d be honest with ourselves about what we know and don’t know.If that inner voice in our head is self-critical, other…

Can a Spiritual Person Connect With a Non-Spiritual People?

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterHuman beings come in all shapes and sizes. No two are completely alike, and yet, we each find types of people who we most get along with. It is a natural and wonderful process that as we grow, our friends and relationships evolve and grow as well. With some people we’ll grow closer, and others further apart.Holding on and clinging to relationships that…

Recovery from Codependency in Relationship (Path to Peace)

When we grow up in chaotic homes, it's not uncommon to develop anxiety and insecurity that can lead to codependency in our relationships. Codependent relationships, where one person is doing all the work, can take a tremendous toll on our well being.In this podcast, I talk about what codependency can look like, why it happens, and what we can do to break the cycle, heal and move forward in healthy…

Raging Person, Unapologetic And Causes Pain to Others

Q: Dear Todd, my stepdaughter had an alcoholic mother who has passed away. And I have recently accepted that I too am an alcoholic. My husband and I haven’t had any booze for 4 months. I suffer over my step daughter tremendously. She is a raging person and never ever apologizes, mostly blaming her behavior on others. She has caused so much pain to her small children, all of her…

Is It Really Possible to Teach Mindfulness to Kids?

When is the right age to teach mindfulness to kids? How do you do it? Should you do it? In this podcast, Todd answers these questions and many more about teaching mindfulness to children.While kids may not suffer from the same stresses as adults and may not need to get the same benefits as adults, mindfulness for kids comes with countless other benefits. Studies have shown that kids who learn…

When Your Family Doesn’t Support You, Do This One Thing

The world is changing faster than ever. Today's generation is growing up totally different than their parents.  Not everyone will understand the changes, and not all changes will be beneficial to human flourishing. When we stay balanced on our middle path, we can take into account our family's feelings, but we can also live our own life, our way and on our terms. We can welcome advice, but we can…

Is It Bad to Avoid People Who Are Mean And Hurtful?

Q: Dear Todd, is it bad to avoid people who are mean and hurtful rather than to spend time with them? TODD ANSWERS: I think of it the way I think of art. I deeply love all art because it comes from a place of wishing to make the world a more beautiful place. However, I can’t hang every piece of art in my house, so I have to be…