Need Someone to Care About Me

Sometimes in our lives we can feel like there is nobody there to care about us. Other times, the people who are supposed to care about us are trying to take advantage of us. So what can we do when we just need a hug, when we need the love and support of the outside world, and when we find ourselves lost in loneliness. Here are two essential things that…

How to Survive Being Ghosted by Your Loved Ones

A few years ago I moved to a new neighborhood in New York. I didn’t know anyone in the area, but I was excited to explore and make new friends. One day on a walk, I ran into a dear old friend who I used to be very close with and found out he was practically my next door neighbor! We made plans to have dinner later that week and…

How to Practice Non-Attachment When Living with Families

How Can You Not Be Attached to Family and Loved Ones?I know it seems strange at first, but the more we examine it, the more we will find that love without possessiveness or clinginess is a far greater and more powerful love. This is what true unconditional love looks like.When we love with attachment, we love with stress and anxiety too, constantly worrying, even if it’s imperceptible. This subconscious stress…

Do You Have the Fear of Disappointing & Angering Others?

All fear stems from the same cause — our mind is trying to protect us from danger. But today, that mental relic is rearing its head even when we are not in any real physical danger. When we’re afraid of disappointing people, it tends to come from some experience in our past that left an indelible mark on our psyche. Someone at some time hurt us, made us feel worthless, and…

Recognizing And Addressing Unequal Relationships

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterI heard a recent statistic that 27% of Americans are estranged from a close family member, and that number is likely far higher due to the stigma and shame around such difficult family situations. (More on how to survive a dysfunctional family in this podcast.)Relationships can be messy. We do not live in a utopia that cares first and foremost about creating healthy,…

The Fastest Way to Take Control of Your Life & Be Happy

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterYou are the co-director of this movie called life. It’s you and the universe. Like any great co-director, there’s got to be a little give and take. Naturally, we want a good relationship with our co-director. We’ve got to be open to their ideas, but we also have our own vision we need to respect and honor.Oftentimes, we fall into one of two…

How to Accept Things in Life That You Can’t Control

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterThe events in our life do not have a tight grip on us. We have a tight grip on the events in our life. There is no reason for us to relive our worst moments in our head, obsess over our undesired circumstances, or live in constant worry about the future.Here’s the secret to becoming free from our thoughts:Whatever makes you lose your mind,…

How to Overcome Loneliness When Living Alone

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterIf you feel like you were meant to live in a group of loving, supportive people, that’s not an accident. It is hardwired in our DNA. Human beings for 99% of human history survived by living in tribes, villages and close-knit communities. This is why we feel loneliness and crave companionship.Today, it has become much more difficult to connect and form deep and…

The Simple Trick of Dealing With Difficult People That Works

Difficult people. We have all dealt with them, we will all surely deal with them again, and chances are very good that we've even been that person from time to time. So, how can we better deal with people who push our buttons? How can we prevent our own buttons from getting pushed?  Luckily, the answer is the same for both. An interaction between difficult people is a battle of…

How Can I Ask for Help When It Makes Me Feel Like a Failure?

We live on a planet that is trying to juggle the wants and needs of 8 billion people. It's not easy, and that means that things can not always go our way. Sometimes there will be setbacks, obstacles and stumbling blocks on the path of life. We can either see these temporary setbacks as the opportunities for growth that they are, or we can let them define us failures.In this…