How to Keep Unkind Words from Hurting You

You may not know it, but I am by nature a very private person. Even on my spiritual journey that took me around the world, I never posted about my travels. I understand the stress that social media can cause when people see others posting their travel photos, and I didn’t want to contribute to that.But then I met the remarkable woman who would become my wife. She was shocked…

Breaking Free from Aggression – Is It Possible?

It is never too late to change. At any age, we can make rapid change. Here’s what’s blocking us from doing so, and here’s what we can do to become the person we wish to be.Luckily, aggression, anger, stubbornness, negativity, pessimism, impatience and tempers are not ingrained in our DNA. But they do become habits. Fortunately for us, habits can be broken in an instant.I know smokers who smoked five…

All relationships end in tragedy. Are they worth it?

Whether it’s a family member, pet, or cherished friend, at some point in our life we will lose the ones we love. Or they will lose us. Heartbreak lies ahead for every single one of us. We lose our parents, and occasionally God forbid, we lose a child. The pain we will all endure is enough to make anyone consider the life of a hermit.Is this suffering inevitable? Is life…

Navigating Egos & Different Perspectives in Relationships

Relationships are not always easy. Two egos can really get in the way of two people trying to connect. We may have a certain way of seeing and being in the world, while other people may have a totally different viewpoint. (I talk about our attachment to thinking, our fear of not thinking, and how we can take back the reins of our mind in my latest video.)As long as…

How to Heal From Narcissistic Abuse

Q: Dear Todd, my narcissistic mother only preyed on me during my most vulnerable times. I'm beyond disappointed, and there's a lot of anger in my heart when I think of her. How can I heal? TODD ANSWERS: This is a very tough experience to go through. It is not fair that the person who should be our greatest source of love and support should act in this way. Children…

How Do I Handle Chronic Complaining While Seeking Personal Growth?

Q: Dear Todd, So, do we just avoid and walk away without commenting, do we just nod and show compassion with simple words without true feeling? I need to know how to respond exactly. I live with one chronic complainer currently and can't get away so simply yet. I mean, I could, but only in a situation that I don't feel is a ton better and not without a lot…

People Don’t Like Me Even If Try

Q: Dear Todd, most people don't like me, no matter how friendly & kind I am to them. Some people don't like me in the 1st instance without even knowing me. Others pretend to like me. At work today I was told by one of my colleagues I'm making them look bad just because I was getting on with my work. They all keep staring at me when I notice…

How Can I Overcome Feeling Alone and Misunderstood?

Q: Dear Todd, some kid in my high school class is talking bad about me, and I don't even know them. I don't get it. I even showed my own mother, and she said, "What do you want me to do?" I feel like everyone is just against me. I feel like such an outsider everywhere I go. I'm always in the wrong, and I wish I could say I…

How Can I Not Take Things Personally?

Q: Dear Todd, what if a person treats everyone else well with kindness and compassion with the exclusion of oneself, that is, that person only feels hatred towards me? How can one not take it personally then? I'd like to think it's a projection of how they feel about themselves but it's apparent they're okay and happy when with others just not me. And it's not because of something I…

How to Fix the Resentment in a Relationship

All resenting stems from resisting. Resentment comes from resisting another person's actions, behaviors and habits. Instead of allowing the person to be, we silently resist who they are. That silent resistance turns into spoken or unspoken anger, distance and mutual hardship. The absolute best thing we can do when feeling resentment is to go from resisting to enlisting. Instead of feeling like we must either fight or silently suffer, we…