How to Spiritually Overcome Your Bad Habits

Getting Rid of Your Unhealthy HabitsWhen we turn our attention inward, insights, ideas, wisdom and understanding arise. We allow space for ideas to enter.We also become experts in how our mind works. We no longer fall for the trap of neurosis because we are highly aware of its delusion. We no longer feed negativity because we now notice the patterns and can predict when it will come. We no longer…

It Bothers Me When Others Smoke or Vape Around Me

Q: Dear Todd, I view smoking and vaping as negative habits and don’t want to be around people who do that, and don’t want to view them positively. I find these habits trigger me and make me pull away. Any suggestions?Todd Answers: That is very understandable. It's always difficult to see our loved ones or people we care about doing something harmful whether it's vaping or doing even more harmful…

How to Bring Mindfulness to Digital Lives

Smartphones are like refrigerators on steroids. Remember the old days? We’d go to the fridge, open the door, and be so overwhelmed with all of the stuff inside that we forgot why we went to the fridge in the first place. Who hasn’t spent 5 minutes staring at the inside of a fridge, completely lost in a daze?With smartphones, instead of 30 food items we have 50 notifications, 60 apps,…

13 Best Social Media Addiction Quotes From Digital Ego Book

1. Just like the body is constantly eliminating toxins, the mind needs to as well. We need to give it time to rest, reflect, and find peace in the present moment.2. Life will sometimes be exciting, and sometimes it'll be uneventful. Both of these are just parts of life. We can either escape life, or we can embrace it.3. When we are mindlessly taking our phone out, then we are…

Getting Rid of Bad Habits Permanently (A Complete Guide)

How to Get Rid of Bad Habits When There is Unprocessed TraumaAll addiction stems from unprocessed trauma. We feel some kind of pain, lack, discomfort or discontent in our body, and we seek out pleasures to provide relief. When we rely on that relief as a crutch to end those negative thoughts, it becomes an addiction.Every time we repeat a bad habit we strengthen those neural pathways in our brain,…

My Story of Curing My ADHD With Meditation

This is the story of how I cured my ADHD with meditation. When I was 13 years old, being a bit impulsive and a bit of a dreamer, neither of which was too pleasing to my school teachers, my parents took me to a place with many doctors and experts in lab coats who specialized in diagnosing children with various behavioral disorders. I didn’t really understand what was going on…

How to Get Rid of Your Bad Habits Through Meditation

Q: Dear Todd, I have many bad habits. How can I transform myself?Todd Answers: My best advice for you, as someone who used to have many addictions, is to be patient and start with the addiction that is most disruptive (it was alcohol for me). Then work your way down from there one at a time. Trying all at once can often be impossible. If you fail, keep trying and…

Build Self-Discipline with Meditation: 6 Easy Steps

In this article, I’ll explain in just 6 easy steps how you can build self-discipline with meditation. Despite all of the remarkable technology at our fingertips, our society seems busier than ever. But these days, more and more super successful people are learning that spending a little time tuning out helps them be more self-disciplined so they can perform at their best.What does Jack Dorsey, the CEO of two massively…

How I Quit Drinking and Smoking with Meditation

Ever since I was a teenager, smoking and drinking were the perfect things to take me away from the pressure, stress, and angst of growing up in a small town with not much else to do. Only years later would I discover how to quit drinking and smoking with meditation.But back then, drinking and smoking were the only things that could quiet my racing mind. They got me out of…

Trouble Sleeping? Here’s How to Use Meditation to Sleep Fast

Toss the pills and hit the pillows with meditation. New research is shining light on the fact that pills, which only sedate us, do not give us the benefits of deep, rejuvenating, restful sleep. On the other hand, meditation can help us calm the mind, relax the body, and help us drift off peacefully and easily into the best sleep we’ve ever had. Here, I’ll talk about the things that…