Can Peace Protect Against Tyranny?

Q: Dear Todd, in my eyes, peace doesn’t always protect, especially against tyrant leaders and overlords. We might fight alongside justice and love, with actions like those of war veterans. We do this to preserve and protect what we have built with love for those we love, so we may be at peace and in harmony. What are your views on this?

TODD ANSWERS:This is an excellent point and I am glad you brought it up. For an answer here, my mind always turns to those great spiritual martial arts of the past. They are the epitome of external action with inner stillness and peace. Spiritual warriors do not lose themselves to anger, hatred or vengeance.

By staying present and holding the intention of peace, they will always make the choice that will lead to the greatest long term outcome. Inner rage blinds us to peaceful solutions, resolutions, and reconciliations.

First and foremost, we must protect and defend ourselves and our families. But we do not need to do so with hatred and anger in our hearts. We do not need to prolong conflict indefinitely. Only with calm and clarity can we see how to turn enemies into friends.

Weekly Writings from the Desk of Todd Perelmuter

The Art of Gratitude

With gratitude, everyday is a gift.