Path to Peace The Whole Universe Conspired for You to Be Here

Without every single part of bicycle, a bike would cease to be a bike. Like each link in a bike chain, every part is integral to the form and function of the bicycle. So too, every single one of us is an expression of the universe in this moment, inseparable and indistinguishable. When we realize we are the oneness of the universe, we stop falling for the illusion of separateness…

Letting Go of Desire of Material Things vs WEF Concept

Q: Dear Todd, there needs to be a hard line distinction between "You will own nothing and be happy." which is the WEF version of freedom, and the Hindu/Buddhist version of letting go of the external desire for material things as a source of happiness, and freedom. How would a person best separate the two in words? Serious question. I need help to be able to explain this to the…

Making Impulsive Decisions That You Regret Later

Q: I was the happiest and kindest person ever. But one day, influenced by my friend, I made the huge mistake of getting a color tattoo on my whole forearm. I regret it now and I am overwhelmed by hating myself. Any thoughts?Todd Answers: You are not suffering because of the tattoo. You are suffering because of your attachment to a conceived idea of how your body should be. Some…

Leaders Need Meditation More Than Any Other Skill Training

As Spiderman’s uncle said,“With great power comes great responsibility.” This immense responsibility has led many successful leaders to discover the benefits of starting their day with meditation. From CEOs Jack Dorsey to Arriana Huffington and Jeff Weiner. As well as basketball coach Phil Jackson and team leaders Michael Jordan and Tom Brady. Also creative geniuses like Jerry Seinfeld to George Lucas and the Beatles. For all of them, meditation has…

How to Stop Relying on Other People for Your Happiness

When we expect others to make us feel better, we become the outsourcer of our own happiness. And while it can be very healing to have close people in our lives who we can share our problems with, sharing can all too easily turn into dumping. When we dump all our problems onto others with the expectation of them making us feel better, we are not valuing the other person in…

How to Cope With Someone Ghosting You (Only Way That Works)

Dealing With Being GhostedWe’ve all been there. Someone texts you, you text back, and then, silence. Sometimes it takes a few hours, sometimes days, and sometimes never.Or, when dating, you might really like someone and you think, “This can really go somewhere,” but then they disappear. Sometimes you just keep waiting for that text which never arrives. You may cycle through every emotion: anger, confusion, sadness… You keep analyzing what…

Beyond the Brain: Understanding the Boundaries of Consciousness

Q: Dear Todd, space-time does change (Einstein's relativity) and consciousness depends entirely on the function of the physical brain. Bonk someone on the head and they lose consciousness. Give them a general anesthetic and they lose consciousness. States of dreamless sleep lack consciousness. When the brain dies and its function ceases, the consciousness of that being is permanently extinguished. Any thoughts?TODD ANSWERS: Yes indeed, space-time bends and warms all the…

Does Universe Understand Negation in Mantras?

Q: Dear Todd, does universe know a negation or a negative? If you say it does the universe hears the opposite? I really get so confused sometimes with all the spiritual understanding.TODD ANSWERS: That’s a great question. Negation only happens when there is suppression or repression of a concept. For example, don’t think of a monkey. The mantra, “I do not need to be perfect, I do not need a…

How to Heal From Abandonment Trauma Through Spirituality

Throughout various stages of life, nearly all of us will face some kind of abandonment, neglect, separation or avoidance by someone we care about. And, because we all go through difficult times in our lives, the chances are likely that we will be emotionally unavailable to the people we care about from time to time. It's a world full of trauma survivors traumatizing other people accidentally. But, the good news…

How Can I Find Peace When Dealing with Long-Term Illness?

Q: Dear Todd, will you please give me encouragement on healing from a long-time illness? I'm told I can heal but I feel hopeless. TODD ANSWERS: I just want you to know that your body is an incredibly amazing healing machine. We know for certain that our mental state can either make us sick, or it can help us recover.So I simply encourage you to view your pain and discomfort,…