Can I Meditate Without Focusing on Anything?

Today, Todd talks about whether or not we can meditate while focusing on nothing. The thing is, being unfocused is just our normal state of mind. We typically go about our days just responding to whatever we perceive and whatever thought pops into our head. We are a slave to our impulses. Learning to focus, by practicing focus, is taking control of our mind. It's using your intentions to guide…

Is It Okay to Feel More Depressed After Meditation?

Sometimes, when we first start meditating, sadness and other extreme emotions may feel like they're being stirred up. But, these emotions aren't created by meditation, they are revealed by meditation. Most of our lives are spent distracted. We're always so busy doing, we don't pay any real attention to our inner world.In this episode, Todd goes into why these emotions come up in meditation, how we can process what comes…

How Not to Get Consumed by Regrets in Life (Most Effective Solution)

We've all been there. We think things are going to go one way, and then life throws us a curveball. We  try to plan, control and predict every little thing, but this universe has bigger plans than our little ideas.We will all have moments in our lives that we wish went differently. The question is, will we learn from it? Will we be open to the  possibilities that this new…

NYC Ad Executive Goes on a Spiritual Journey to India

After quitting his high-paying advertising job, giving away all his belongings, moving out of his New York City apartment and buying a one-way ticket to India, he finally arrives in spiritual capital of the world.Hear what he finds, what he does, and how he got fleeced twice in two days.  See how everything he had been searching for miraculously presented itself to him. Learn the lessons that India taught him…

How Did You Come Back to the Normal Life After Your Long Traveling?

Q: Dear Todd, how did you manage to come back to the city and "normal" life after your extended traveling time? TODD ANSWERS: I would love to say some big wise thing like, “I recognized that all things must change.” While that is true, honestly after nine years of being in so many places and living out of a tiny suitcase, living in hostels and homestays, and constantly a wanderer,…

Why Do My Feelings Get Hurt So Easily?

This is one of the most important and common questions I receive. The more in touch we become with our inner peace, the more jarring the outside world can become. As we begin the journey inward, we can become even more sensitive than we already were. So what can we do to not be so sensitive? How can we take control of our own mental state and not have it…

Why is Chanting a Mantra Beneficial And a Form of Meditation?

With so many apps and gurus out there today, the number of types of meditations have exploded.  There are ancient ones and brand new untested ones. So how do we know which ones are the best, which ones are a waste of time, and which ones may even have negative effects?In this episode, I go into depth about the two most common types of meditation, mantra and breath meditation. Breath…

Can spirituality and desire to make more money go together?

Q: Dear Todd, can spirituality and desire to make more money go together? TODD ANSWERS: There is nothing wrong with wealth in and of itself. It’s only when we put profits above people, when attachment to wealth creates suffering, and when fear of loss disturbs our inner peace that wealth and the pursuit of wealth become problematic. We all want a comfortable life and people should be rewarded for their…

Can This Secretive Ashram Be the Best Spiritual Ashram in India?

This is the story of Todd's first experience in an ashram in India. Invited by his friend's family who has a house there, they got permission from the guru himself that I could come and stay there – something not usually done for outsiders. What Todd found was beyond his wildest imagination. At this ashram – supposedly the largest one in India – devoted followers, a beloved leader, and an…

How to Use Meditation for Self-Improvement

Meditation isn't just for chilling out. It is a powerful tool that trains our minds to be present, focused, aware, peaceful and joyful. It's not about the time we spend sitting down with our eyes closed in meditation. It's about how that time improves the rest of our lives. Gaining insights into ourselves and our own mind is one of the greatest ways meditation can improve our lives. The more…