At 65, How Do I Balance Grief and the Desire for Change?

Q: Dear Todd, I am mentally ill, widowed, and my toddler died too. So, I raised four other kids alone. I have been in a hospital once for depression after hurricanes Irma and Maria hit the island, just three years ago. With an empty nest, retirement, and a p/t job in a garden center I stay busy. But, coming back to the USA and our old town is so painful.…

Path to Peace 4-Step Process to Change Your Life

Oftentimes, we try to conform in order to get approval and acceptance. But we never get it and we just end up pretending to be someone we're not. The truth is, we won't be liked by everybody. But the more we can be ourselves, the more we will find genuine friends who love us for exactly who we are. In this podcast, I share a 4-step process for finding your…

How to Be at Peace With So Much Hatred in the World

Q: Dear Todd, my problem is that I become depressed when reading the news and seeing angry, bigoted, homophobic, leaders who spew hatred. I can look at individuals as loving souls, however, if they follow certain political beliefs, I find it very difficult. And there are people who are simply cruel selfish beings. Can you speak to this in more detail and how to live in peace with such hatred…

Is Accepting Things as They Are Bad For Growth?

A lot of people think that accepting things as they are means we don’t need to take any action, we don’t need to improve anything, and that “letting go” means giving up. I was even asked once, “Doesn’t being happy mean that we would not care about anything and we would never try to develop ourselves spiritually, financially or personally?”I understand where these questions are coming from. From a nonspiritual…

How Do I Know I am in Meditative State

Q: Dear Todd, it's 3:44 am and right now in the present moment I can't sleep due to stress and anxiety. But I'm aware and accepting of that fact. I'm not fighting it. Is this considered being in a meditative state? Awareness? For a positive or a negative? I hope this made sense... I am after all sleep deprived at the moment. Thank you TODD ANSWERS: Much of meditation is…

Why am I Not Seeing Any Results from My Meditation?

Q: Dear Todd, I have been trying meditation for at least a couple of years, reading books and blogs, and studying Buddhist teachings, yet I feel no different than I ever have. I want to feel a connection, I want to feel safer, loved, and be in communion with my spirit. What am I doing wrong? TODD ANSWERS: I wonder what kind of meditation you’ve been doing because different kinds…

People Don’t Like Me Even If Try

Q: Dear Todd, most people don't like me, no matter how friendly & kind I am to them. Some people don't like me in the 1st instance without even knowing me. Others pretend to like me. At work today I was told by one of my colleagues I'm making them look bad just because I was getting on with my work. They all keep staring at me when I notice…

Path to Peace The Right and Wrong Way to Practice Introspection

Introspection is a natural activity that humans have been doing since we've been around. Today however, we have very little time in our waking lives to think, reflect and ponder. This has led us to forgetting how to do this very important and necessary practice. In this podcast, I talk about why some people feel depressed after reflecting on something difficult in their lives, and I share how we can…

Your Suffering Comes From Others Suffering

Q: Dear Todd, what if your suffering comes because you see the suffering of other people and animals and the earth? I have everything I will ever need and am in a place of safety and comfort so do not suffer for my own circumstances. But it kills me to see the suffering of others and I do everything to help others and animals. TODD ANSWERS: I would say change…

Do Video Games Count For Being in the Present Moment?

It’s not hard to see parallels between meditating and playing video games. Both activities force participants to step out of their head, to temporarily forget their mind-made illusory self, and to become free from thoughts and worries.But there are also some key differences between meditation and video games, which I will get into in this article.Do Video Games Count as MeditationGaming, swimming, running, rock climbing, making art, dancing and watching…