What to Do If You Want to Feel Happy?

We all want to be happy. But how do we get it? What makes us happy? And how do we get that long lasting happiness we all seek.In this episode, Todd reveals the true secret to lasting happiness. And it's not what we usually think it is.So many of the things we seek to bring us happiness are nothing more than temporary pleasures. After these pleasures are over, they're usually…

How to Practice Inner Stillness the Right Way

Q: Dear Todd, how should we practice stillness? Do we need to sit in silence and hold our breath?How to achieve inner stillness TODD ANSWERS: Ha! Please don’t hold your breath for too long. It is much better to practice watching your breath because your breath is always with you. You don’t have to try to freeze, because your brain will always be receiving information (light, sound, etc…). But what you…

Is It Compulsory to Sit Cross-Legged For Meditation?

Should I sit up straight on the floor? Can I use a chair? Can I lie in bed? Do I have to be super rigid and strict or is it ok to do it on the couch? These are some of the many questions that come up when starting out in meditation. Here, Todd Perelmuter shares his tips for starting out, the best postures, what not to do, and how…

Parental Stress & Anxiety? Try This Spiritual Solution

Q: Dear Todd,I gave birth to my daughter a year ago and she has taught me a lot of things about being present and appreciating every moment we have. However, no matter how mindful I'm trying to be, I struggle to keep anxiety away when it comes to her well-being or happiness. Would you have any advice for me on this?Todd Answers: Our love can easily turn into anxiety, attachment,…

Will Forgiving Others Person Make Me Strong or Weak?

Q: Dear Todd, someone who has tried to get me to commit suicide multiple times doesn't deserve me to show them love. If I let it go and forgive, in their mind, wouldn’t that just justify hurting me?Q: Do we continue being our good selves, smiling, doing good deeds for other people, loving them, even if they treat us like something they have stepped in? After many years of trying,…

How to Handle Resentment in Marriage the Right Way

What's the Root Cause of Resentment in Marriage? All resenting stems from resisting. Resentment comes from resisting another person's actions, behaviors and habits. Instead of allowing the person to be, we silently resist who they are. That silent resistance turns into spoken or unspoken anger, distance and mutual hardship. What Can We Do When We Feel Resentment in Marriage? The absolute best thing we can do when feeling resentment is…

How to Forgive Myself for Past Actions Spiritually – Podcast

Sometimes (all the time), we are our own worst critic. We talk to ourselves in ways we would never tolerate anyone else speaking to us. We believe our own criticism and we have a hard time believing our own — or other people's — praise.Today, Todd talks about this baggage from our past that we carry with us, and how to set it down. The past can never be negative. It was…

Why I Get Extreme Tingling Sensations When Meditating

One person recently asked me, "Why do I get extreme tingling in my face and fingers when meditating?"The fact is, it is not uncommon for a wide variety of sensations and reactions to occur when we meditate. It's not the meditation that caused it. It's the meditation that allowed this buried feeling/trauma/pain to come to the surface and start to heal.No matter what comes up in meditation, allow it to…

How to Stop Being Jealous of Other’s Success

Jealousy can be one of our most insidious emotions that can end lifelong relationships. Instead of feeling happy for others' success, we feel negative emotions for which we put up walls so as not to feel it, but really we're just closing ourselves in and blocking everyone else out.We can't fight our subconscious emotions because they are a part of us. But, we can use higher self, our conscious awareness,…

How to Let Go of My Ex Who Has Moved On

Q: Dear Todd, I got separated from someone I truly liked and every other minute a good or bad memory of him comes up. It's been 4 months now. I didn't know what happened. It was a shock for me and then I had to guess and accept what might have happened, but I can't seem to stop thinking about him. All emotions, and thoughts arise from that incident and…