Learn to Fight Hatred With Love

Fighting Hatred with LoveThe Dalai Lama is a man who saw his own country violently conquered. It would be all too easy to become bitter. But instead, he forgives and loves. He puts all of our measly everyday squabbles to shame. If he can find compassion for his invaders, we too can find it for our rude coworkers, family feuds, and former friends.No matter the question, love is always the…

Can People in War-Torn Countries Experience Inner Peace?

Q: Dear Todd, how would someone, say in Ukraine at this time, for example, freezing no water no food, no home, how can they feel they are exactly where they should be? These concepts escape me, is our moment of suffering ordained?Todd Answers: With our physical needs unmet, we will not even be alive to enjoy having our spiritual needs met. Physical needs must always take precedence. However, there are Buddhist…

4 Incredible Tips to Calm Yourself When Angry at Someone

4 Tips for Anger ManagementTo work on oneself, to admit our flaws, to face them head on and to overcome them takes the greatest courage there is.We only yell out and act out in rage because we have lost ourselves and our composure. Because we fail to know how to use our words to communicate clearly.In meditation and mindfulness, we can remain at peace, we can think clearly, and can…

Success Without Constant Stress, Is It Possible?

Q: Dear Todd, I want to achieve a big success in my life but that will require a lot of competition, constant stress, and bigger responsibilities. So, will this make me unhappy?Todd Answers: Some people are built for the competitive high-stress fast-paced lifestyle. Some people just want to be monks. Everybody is different.I will say this though, stressful situations do not need to make us stressed. Stress only occurs when…

Have You Tried Meditating With Your Eyes Open?

In this podcast, Todd Perelmuter answers a common question about a meditation style known as Open-Eyed Meditation. Open-eye meditation varies from staring at a candle flame to staring at a crystal, from staring at a statue of a God or staring at a blank wall. The fact is, almost any meditation is a great spiritual practice that has some benefit, and this one is no different. From more joy, more…

Emotionally Abused in Relationships or Dating?

Q: Dear Todd, I have an inferiority complex. Every time I date, I just end up being emotionally abused by my partner. TODD ANSWERS: Inferiority in dating is so common, you probably regularly date people who also feel inferior. We’re all insecure to some degree. It’s totally normal and healthy to have a healthy degree of self-skepticism. If I never doubted myself, I’d probably have worn my Superman cape to…

Struggling to Move on After a Sexual Assault

Q: Dear Todd, I have been sexually assaulted and betrayed by many. I have been struggling emotionally to move on when there is so much injustice around. What advice do you have for me?Todd Answers: You’re a very strong survivor. I hope you are able to give yourself the time and love to feel and then heal from those traumatic events. Be patient with yourself, don’t focus on outcomes or…

7 Ugly Truths About 2-Minute Meditation Nobody’s Telling You

Whether it’s losing weight, getting rich, or becoming enlightened, countless people are selling get-it-quick schemes. With smartphones and smart TVs and Amazon, we’re so used to getting what we want when we want. We’ve become an instant gratification culture and many businesspeople are more than happy to cash in on that. But, here is the truth about 2-minute meditation that everyone should know about.Right now, there are people out there…

How Can We Live a Life Worth Living

When we embark upon our path to peace, we frequently find ourselves at a fork in the road. One way, is safe, easy, familiar and has the allure of peacefulness.  The other way is scary, unknown, adventurous and requires great courage. One way seeks outer peace, but the other way creates inner peace. When our inner peace is dependent on external circumstances, we will have a chaotic life. When we…

Todd Perelmuter Quits His Job to Go on a Spiritual Journey

After meeting his shaman in Chile who told him to follow his heart, Todd returned to his NYC life. He was a highly awarded Creative Director at the world's largest ad agency, all by the age of 31. Hear what possessed him to leave it all behind in search of meaning and purpose. On this podcast, we'll be sharing stories and spiritual lessons from throughout his 9 year journey. So…