How Can I Find Myself Spiritually?

We are social creatures. It’s an evolutionary advantage to live in close communities that look out for each other.Relationships nourish us and provide tremendous meaning in our lives. There’s no substitute for them.But, some people are natural loners. Some people choose to be alone, and others find solitude forced upon them. There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to whether we live as a hermit meditating in a…

Is It Really Possible to Teach Mindfulness to Kids?

When is the right age to teach mindfulness to kids? How do you do it? Should you do it? In this podcast, Todd answers these questions and many more about teaching mindfulness to children.While kids may not suffer from the same stresses as adults and may not need to get the same benefits as adults, mindfulness for kids comes with countless other benefits. Studies have shown that kids who learn…

Path to Peace How to Overcome Impatience to Improve Your Life

In our fast-paced world, it's very easy to internalize the hyper speed frenzy all around us. But this frantic pace is destroying our mental health, our relationships, and our lives. We may feel like we're getting more done, but in truth that chaos comes at a price we will pay later. We are human beings, not corporate ladder climbers. We need rest to perform our best. And if our mind…

Why & How Corporate Meditation Benefits Businesses

What are Corporate Meditation Programs?Corporate Meditation Programs can be keynote lectures, multiple seminars, interactive workshops or retreats. They may take place in the office or offsite. They include a mix of mindfulness and meditation training, as well as instruction on what to expect when meditating, insights into the nature of the mind, the root causes of stress, and the best ways to alleviate stress.Beyond stress, corporate meditation programs show employees…

Meditation For Athletes 101: Boost Confidence For Competition

Guest PostAthletes experience mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and burnout. The pressure to perform and meet expectations can take a toll on an athlete's mental well-being.Meditation can be a powerful tool for athletes to incorporate into their self-care routines. It can help them manage stress, improve focus, and enhance their overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the benefits of meditation for athletes and provide tips on how…

Can Christians Meditate or Is It a Sin?

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter Along with the rapidly growing popularity of meditation, there has also been an explosion of confusion centered around this ancient practice. As a result, I thought of clearing one of the confusion around it. The question of can Christians meditate or is it a sin?These days, people online will claim that just about anything is meditation, whether it’s listening to someone whisper instructions…

When Your Family Doesn’t Support You, Do This One Thing

The world is changing faster than ever. Today's generation is growing up totally different than their parents.  Not everyone will understand the changes, and not all changes will be beneficial to human flourishing. When we stay balanced on our middle path, we can take into account our family's feelings, but we can also live our own life, our way and on our terms. We can welcome advice, but we can…

I Always Want People I Can’t Have. How Do I Deal With It?

Ah yes, the age old ritual of courtship. Feigning disinterest, playing it cool but charming, all to entice a potential. The beautiful mating dance of two humans seeking connection. Objectively and logically speaking, we have three options. Be alone. Change our standards. Or we can change ourselves. I believe it tends to be preferential to adhere to options two and three. Option two means that we make sure we’re not…

What the Recent Harvard Study Says About Meditation

What the Harvard Meditation Study DidOver 8 weeks, participants spent an average of 27 minutes per day dedicated to the three mindfulness practices. To put it quite simply, the results were astonishing, and all the participants had no real prior experience with meditation or mindfulness.What the Harvard Meditation Study Found1. An Increase in MindfulnessCompared to the control group, the mindfulness practitioners experienced significant increases in measurements of mindfulness (acting with…

How to Earn Money Without Losing Your Soul

There is a cosmic irony to this law of the universe: the more we try, the more likely we are to fail. This law is true in sports, art, dating, earning money and just about everything else. The more we force effort, the more we repel the thing we want. The more pressure we put on ourselves, the more nervous we get and the more mistakes we make.Forced effort isn't…