Carrying the Weight of the World on Your Shoulders?

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterHow do our thoughts affect our emotions? Or, do our emotions affect our thoughts? What comes first, the thought or the emotion? Understanding the answer to these questions can help us feel better and think more positively. This can also help us heal from the grief of losing a loved one. (more on this in my YouTube video). So, let’s take a look…

How Lawyers Can Use Meditation to Lower Their Work Stress

Lawyers and StressI have known many lawyers in my life, from family members to dear friends. They are the nicest, smartest and funniest people to spend time with. They tend to be the most fun people to be around because their jobs are so stressful that they are very good at knowing how to blow off steam, sometimes in healthy ways and frequently in unhealthy ways.Because being a lawyer can…

Path to Peace See Every Moment Like It Were the Aurora Borealis

There is a dazzling light show happening right before our eyes all the time. The way the energetic photons from the sun bounce off the objects around us in dazzling color every minute is astounding. Most of us simply fail to see the brilliance, vibrance and newness in each moment. In today's podcast, I talk about what prevents us from seeing the magic all around us, how we can regain…

What’s the Deal With Humming Meditation?

Lately, it seems about a million new types of meditations have been invented and popularized. I get asked about a lot of them and while I don’t address every single one, Humming Meditation is one that seems to come up time and time again.Unlike a lot of other new-age types of meditation, using the voice in various ways — such as chanting, singing, or saying a mantra — has been…

The Best Way to Deal With Negative Self-Talk

When we grow up being punished and criticized, negative reinforcement becomes the only form of motivation we know. When we are brought up by tough teachers or parents who thought this was the best way, we can begin to actually fear and resist encouragement, praise and positive reinforcement. By growing up with negative reinforcement, we begin to subconsciously and mistakenly associate all of our accomplishments with stress, pressure and panic.…

Should You or Should You Not Forgive Your Abuser?

Q: Dear Todd, “Am I supposed to be grateful for abuse and love my abuser?" Is that what spirituality is teaching me? TODD ANSWERS: I receive a lot of questions that contain a few common misperceptions about spirituality. For example, people will ask, "Does spirituality mean just being passive? Am I supposed to be grateful for abuse and love my abuser?" Spirituality is not passive or weak. It is not…

Don’t Give Anyone the Power to Treat You Bad

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterCruel words can only hurt us if they are tinged with truth. Not with objective truth, but with our own personal truth. Objectively, no words would ever hurt us because we would be looking at our situation rationally, from all angles, and we’d be honest with ourselves about what we know and don’t know.If that inner voice in our head is self-critical, other…

Getting Over a Breakup When the Reason Seems Confusing

Q: Dear Todd, I recently separated from a partner citing that being together was difficult for her mental health and her judgment of my own inner peace. She believed I had more to work on. Ending things over that made me question the validity of the oneness sadly because her depth into that study is significant.Maybe I am amidst processing and possibly misunderstanding it, but I feel it was the…

Is It Possible to Find Peace While People in Other Countries Suffer?

Q: Dear Todd, is it possible to maintain inner peace when the world is going through so much? There are wars, terrorism and human rights violations. Is it achievable to be peaceful while other countries are suffering?Todd Answers: Isn’t it interesting that a parent with a child in danger can run and save the child without thinking but if we watch TV we get stress and sadness? This empathy is…

How to Handle Unfulfilled Expectation From Life

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterIf we were to see reality as it really is, all of our expectations would be met. But because we have limited perspectives with limited information, we expect things to happen that end up not panning out. When we expect things, we place our opinion of how things should be above everyone else’s and above what the universe had set in motion long…