To Stop Intrusive Thoughts Permanently, You Must Do This

If we were to put all of our focus on one little ant, that ant would take up all of our attention and awareness. Similarly, even though there’s always so much happening within us and around us, if we put all of our focus on our thoughts, those thoughts will become the only things that exist to us. Similarly, when we become triggered because of traumatic events in our past, we…

How to Overcome Meaninglessness & Existential Depression

In Viktor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning, we learn how Holocaust prisoners were more likely to survive if they felt there was some meaning to their senseless circumstances. In this evil place and time where life had no meaning, to survive meant finding and creating meaning wherever they could. For many, becoming hopeless meant certain death. Meaning and hope are like oxygen for the soul. So how do we…

Path to Peace Is Success More Important Than Happiness?

Society rewards success. It is the most alluring addiction there is because it is the only addiction that we are celebrated for having. It becomes ingrained into everyone of us that we should delay our happiness until we have achieved success later in life. But what happens when we postpone our happiness? Is happiness greater than success? Will wealth bring us happiness? Can we have both success and happiness? In…

Do We Need a Relationship or Partner to Complete Us?

If we overthink about it, life can be very confusing. There is so much information that we are bombarded with daily, from ads to movies, from social media to our in-person interactions. Within all of that information are subtle cues that tell us how life should be, what a perfect life looks like, and how you'll finally be happy if only (fill in the blank). But, all of that noise…

How to Stop Your Mind From Obsessing Over Little Things

Our minds are thinking machines, constantly jumping from thought to thought, constantly looking for something to overthink and obsess about. That's what they do, it's their job. A hand will do hand stuff and the mind will do thinking stuff.But what happens when our minds get out of control? What happens when they no longer think the positive thoughts we wish they would? What happens when they only dwell on…

Was Pandemic & Being Alone Good For People

Q: Dear Todd, so do you personally think that the COVID pandemic and being alone mostly, separated and the lack of connection and community was good for people? I certainly don't think so. What's your perspective? Being still, quiet, finding peace! So meditation is possibly the most important thing anyone can practice. But I personally think connection within the community is equally, if not more important. TODD ANSWERS: I don’t…

When the Past Keeps Haunting You

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterUsually what happens when we have those unwanted, intrusive, misery-inducing thoughts, is that we are trying to suppress something that is clearly there and trying to express itself. Suppression and repression only feed negative thoughts more energy. Distraction and escape just keep them bubbling under the surface. Engaging with those thoughts feeds them too. So what the heck are we supposed to do?!The…

Do We Deserve Happiness?

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterIf you are breathing, you deserve happiness. Now, I don’t mean this as some political human right or some new-agey “soul” right. I also don’t mean that we deserve to always be laughing like fools. I don’t even mean that we deserve a perfect world or a world free from suffering, because that would not actually make us happy.If we remove the suffering…

Path to Peace The Spiritual Path to Material Wealth

There is an infinite amount of success and wealth in the world. There is no limit except by our own beliefs and mindset. The economy is not me versus my neighbor.  Others don't have to fail so we can succeed. In the information age where any creative idea can become a success, every one of us can achieve our dreams. We just need to know how to do it. In…

Is Earning Money an Attachment?

Despite what we may feel about it, most of us live in a capitalist society that requires us to earn money in order to survive. It is all in the "how" we earn money that makes all the difference. Are we hurting our fellow humans and creatures or are we helping? Are we sacrificing our health or our relationships for money? Or are we using our occupation to nourish ourselves…