The Best Trick to Handle Emotional & Angry Outbursts

We will all feel all of the human emotions throughout our lives. That's part of life. But when we let ourselves get swept away by those emotions, then we can act unmindfully and in ways that can hurt our reputation and relationships. When our emotions carry us away, we lose ourselves and we feel the emotions with great intensity as if they are happening to us. When we are present,…

How to Beat Work Burntout Without Quitting Your Job

Burnout is the result of self-sabotage in the moment at the expense of ourself in the future. We think if we just work a little harder, if we just push ourselves and stretch ourself a little more, that we'll eventually reach the success we want and have the happiness we need. In reality, we're sacrificing our mental and physical health that will only result in a major setback when our…

How Can I Ask for Help When It Makes Me Feel Like a Failure?

We live on a planet that is trying to juggle the wants and needs of 8 billion people. It's not easy, and that means that things can not always go our way. Sometimes there will be setbacks, obstacles and stumbling blocks on the path of life. We can either see these temporary setbacks as the opportunities for growth that they are, or we can let them define us failures.In this…

A Day With Maori People

There is really no other way to say it, I was protected in that forest. About a dozen or so miracles happened during my 50 days in the forest that completely saved my life. I only learned later that the forest I was in was one of the most sacred forests to the indigenous Maori people, and I also later learned that they knew about my presence in the forest…

Path to Peace How to Survive a Dysfunctional Family

We live in a dysfunctional society.  We have big problems that seem intractable. The well being of every person is not the priority of our global governments. So it is no wonder that many of us come from dysfunctional families. How can we survive the trauma that was normalized as children? How can we heal from the anxiety and PTSD we've developed? How can we unlearn the negative, critical voice…

Finding Peace After Childhood Trauma As an Adult

Learning to let go is a lot harder when it's letting go of childhood trauma. When we're young, experiences will shape how we see the world for the rest of our lives. It becomes deeply engrained and becomes that much harder to heal from. But there are ways to do it. It is possible to reach deep into our psyche and pull out those weeds of trauma and plant beautiful…

How to Be at Peace If Life Is Unfair

I know it, and you know it. Terrible things happen to wonderful people and wonderful things happen to people who've done tremendous harm.  If even a great man like Gandhi was assassinated, what chance do the rest of us have at a peaceful and good life?! So how can we understand the seeming unfairness in our world? How should we exist in, and respond to, an unfair world? Should we…

Is Pure Consciousness Aware of Change or Suffering?

Is Pure Consciousness aware of change, suffering, etc., and if so, how is it that It does not change, and/or suffer?Phenomenal question. If a camera is shaking, stillness cannot be perceived. If a camera is still, both stillness and change can be perceived. So our consciousness must be changeless because we are able to perceive stillness. Consciousness is the witness of suffering, not the suffering. It is the witness of…

Getting Rid of Bad Habits Permanently (A Complete Guide)

How to Get Rid of Bad Habits When There is Unprocessed TraumaAll addiction stems from unprocessed trauma. We feel some kind of pain, lack, discomfort or discontent in our body, and we seek out pleasures to provide relief. When we rely on that relief as a crutch to end those negative thoughts, it becomes an addiction.Every time we repeat a bad habit we strengthen those neural pathways in our brain,…

How to connect with people when you feel like an outsider

As you undoubtedly know, our society has become much more fragmented in recent years. All of America used to be able to connect at the office water cooler by joking about the most-watched show on TV the previous night. Today, people work remotely, live TV isn’t really a thing, and everyone is following the fake lives of strangers instead of their own friends and family. But! This fragmentation provides great…