Why You Need to Stop Delaying Your Happiness

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterThe universe is in every atom. Every atom is the universe. This moment is our entire life. Our entire life is this moment.Do we give this divine moment the sacred attention it deserves? Or do we abandon and reject it as we pine for a long lost past or some imagined better future?When we sacrifice this moment for a better future moment, we are…

How to Become Really Good at Something

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterThere is something that just about every human could benefit to learn. It is not easy. Not too many people can do it, but it may be the most important skill we can develop that will improve every aspect of our lives. We need to learn how to learn with joy, strive with peace, and work hard on achieving big goals with total presence…

How to Remove Fear From Mind And Heart

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterDon’t be afraid to sit alone with your thoughts and allow yourself to work through them. What you fear to be unbearable is not so scary. But we must face down the monsters so that we can conquer them. We must shine a light on the dark corners we wish were not there.Suppression, repression, and distraction are most people’s favorite methods for dealing…

The Fastest Way to Take Control of Your Life & Be Happy

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterYou are the co-director of this movie called life. It’s you and the universe. Like any great co-director, there’s got to be a little give and take. Naturally, we want a good relationship with our co-director. We’ve got to be open to their ideas, but we also have our own vision we need to respect and honor.Oftentimes, we fall into one of two…

How to Accept Things in Life That You Can’t Control

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterThe events in our life do not have a tight grip on us. We have a tight grip on the events in our life. There is no reason for us to relive our worst moments in our head, obsess over our undesired circumstances, or live in constant worry about the future.Here’s the secret to becoming free from our thoughts:Whatever makes you lose your mind,…

How to Overcome Loneliness When Living Alone

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterIf you feel like you were meant to live in a group of loving, supportive people, that’s not an accident. It is hardwired in our DNA. Human beings for 99% of human history survived by living in tribes, villages and close-knit communities. This is why we feel loneliness and crave companionship.Today, it has become much more difficult to connect and form deep and…

Spend Time in Nature to Reduce Stress of City Life

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterAs someone who lives in New York, I’ve met a lot of lifelong New Yorkers who have told me they don’t like nature, they don’t need it, and they’re doing just fine without it. Many of those same people also confided in me that they struggle with alcohol, depression, anxiety, impatience, sleep issues, dissatisfaction in life, loneliness and stress. This is not a…

How to Practice Gratitude When You Don’t Feel Grateful

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterGratitude is like a light switch. When it’s on, it’s easy to see all of the blessings in our lives. When it’s off, we have nothing and are lost in darkness.So how do we turn on that light switch of gratitude when we don’t like what’s going on in our lives? To flip that switch, we have to do three things.First, we have…

When Future Seems Dark, Uncertain And Scary

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterWhat can we do when the future looks scary, uncertain, or dark? The same thing we need to do when the future looks amazing and bright — discover the peace within us right now. How we feel now determines how we feel about the future, not the other way around.No matter what is troubling us — whether it’s loss, regret, stress or hopelessness —…

Why does Life Suck So Much? And What to Do?

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterI won’t lie. Sometimes, life sucks. When I went hiking in Nepal’s Himalayan Mountains, there were many very hard climbs, followed by very easy descents. This is the nature of any journey: there will be constant ups and downs. The more we understand this, the more we can enjoy the journey. Here’s the secret to facing good news and bad news without getting…