Break Free from the Game of Telephone (Part 2)

In my last newsletter I talked about 3 ways to win at life’s game of telephone, and how to stop letting other people plant thoughts in our head. Today I want to talk about how to trust ourself and follow our heart.Whether it’s our own thoughts or the words from other people, it’s just noise. That which goes beyond words is what’s true. People have been developing opinions for thousands…

Life Is a Game of Telephone. Here’s How to Win

Have you ever wondered how much you know, how much you think you know, and how much you think you know because someone else thinks so?The information we have bouncing around in our brains is divided into three categories: what we experience first hand, what we hear from others, and what we believe about the things we hear.99% of our information (totally made up statistic) comes from other people — the…

How to Find What Makes You Happy

The moment you can sit in stillness and silence, and actually allow your body and mind to become fully at rest, and be able to completely relax the same as if it’s been 1 minute or 1 hour; that is the moment that everything in life will come alive to you because you are at peace with nothing.If we search for happiness in something outside of ourselves, whether by drugs…

How to Undo Societal Conditioning

Human beings are the most remarkably adaptable species on Earth. We are blessed with the ability to adapt to any environment, location, and situation. A baby growing up in Spain will adapt to her culture and learn Spanish. A baby growing up in the Arctic will learn to icefish and speak Inuit. This adaptability gives us the variety of rich cultures and ways of life for our species. Whatever situation we…

The Pleasure Pain Paradox

A lot of people think spirituality means that monks who renounce everything are the most spiritual, and the rest of us are doomed to suffering. I myself have found great peace in letting go of possessions and bad habits. I have discovered the freedom that comes from practicing minimalism and asceticism.But don’t get me wrong, I love all the pleasures and comforts of life. I used to love them too…

What Are We Seeking?

Life is very simple. Human beings have made it very complicated.As consciousness peering through bodies and minds, we observe the hardware of the body and the software of our genetic code. The bodies have certain requirements and the code makes sure we seek it out.If we didn’t have desires, we would not seek out food, shelter, mates, safety for our children, and connection to the divine mystery of the universe. Desire…

What Is Life? Why Are We Alive?

What is the purpose and meaning of life? If it were just to survive, consume and expend energy, then we wouldn’t have the ability to even ask these questions. We would just be food-finding mindless robots. So there is something much deeper to our lives than survival. If it were to be comfortable and safe, we’d be lazy and weak. If it were to be happy all the time, then we’d…

Navigating Egos & Different Perspectives in Relationships

Relationships are not always easy. Two egos can really get in the way of two people trying to connect. We may have a certain way of seeing and being in the world, while other people may have a totally different viewpoint. (I talk about our attachment to thinking, our fear of not thinking, and how we can take back the reins of our mind in my latest video.)As long as…

Path to Peace Your Mind Is Your Business, Spirituality Is Your Mind

We spend most of our waking lives focused on the world around us. All day we look around, giving all of our attention to what we see and hear. We spend our days trying to control our external circumstances, we blame people and our situations for our how we feel, all while neglecting our inner world. But, it is in fact our inner world that creates our external world. The…

Path to Peace 3-Step Process for Ignoring the Negative Opinions of Others

Having the approval and praise of others is a natural human desire. We evolved to depend on each other for our survival, and so maintaining strong social bonds is in our DNA. But too often, people may voice their disapproval who do not have our best interests at heart. Other times, people may be too overcome with fear and worry to approve of people's lifestyles and choices that are different…