Is Responding with Kindness a Strength or Weakness?

Q: Dear Todd, shouldn't we respond with our true feelings to people who hurt us and not with love and kindness?TODD ANSWERS: Someone recently asked me this question about how to respond to people who hurt us. I get it, believe me. Our first (unconscious) instinctual reaction is to respond with anger. But this would be a reaction that lacks wisdom, patience, perspective, and most importantly, efficacy. It is just…

Executive Mindfulness: CEOs Swear By These Techniques

From entrepreneurs of startups to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, successful people have a few things in common.Many of those secret ingredients for success have to do with mindfulness. However, many don't even know what mindfulness is. Hence, the first question is, what is mindfulness? Mindfulness has to do with aspects of the mind such as: ClarityFocus and concentrationPrioritizationThoughtfulnessIntentionAwareness of yourself and othersAwareness of one’s own mental stateSince executives and entrepreneurs don’t need…

Are You Having Executive Burnout? Here’s What You’ve to Do

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter When we’re constantly juggling a million tasks, projects and problems in our mind, it can lead to burnout. Our minds become split in too many directions and it is exhausting. This is why we get burned out and why meditation is the key to the executive burnout problem.When we are constantly busy, our lives feel chaotic and stressful. The more stress and responsibilities…

6 Reasons Why Meditation is Good for Your Business

Funny things are happening on the way to retirement. Right now, companies are having trouble filling jobs, and yet there are more people seeking work than ever before. People want meaning and fulfillment. Not just a paycheck. This is why there are ultimately 6 reasons why corporate America needs mindfulness.What is Mindfulness?Mindfulness is the quality of being present and aware, and peaceful yet alert. It is when we come out…

When What’s Going in the World Makes You Angry

Q: Dear Todd, we are in a time where every man, woman, and child on earth is being threatened by a group of people or a part of the consciousness that is malevolent. The part of the race that actually is not content with what they have. Where they have so so much so-called monetary wealth and power that they have manipulated our existence and in a way have bought…

Why Does it Feel Wrong to Seek Inner Peace While Grieving?

Grief is so much more than a personal journey. It's how we show our love for those we've lost to our friends and family. It's communal and it's one of the ways we all come together to heal. But, we also all heal in our own way. Because there is no one right or wrong way to grieve, we may feel guilty if we don't conform in how we grieve.…

How to Achieve Universal Love?

Q: Dear Todd, How To Achieve Universal Love?TODD ANSWERS: Peace is our centered, natural state. It has no opposite. When we focus on peace to end war, we only succeed in lessening or delaying war, not ending it. If we instead focused on love, only then could we move the needle far enough to actually achieve lasting and real peace. Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter A newsletter that doesn’t…

Is Gay Shame or Religious Guilt Worth Sacrificing Your Love?

Q: Dear Todd, my problem is: I am someone who saw and recognized my same-sex attraction from a young age. Over time, I surrendered to such behavior and came into contact with men. I was in a relationship with a wonderful man for several years. With whom I broke up some time ago, even though I had everything that every "gay" would want. The reason why I broke up is…

How to Face Your Fears, Trauma and Demons?

We always have two choices in life: face or fester. You can either face your fears and overcome them, or you can let them fester underneath the surface.I have a dear friend who was the walking embodiment of fear. She was afraid of everything: ghosts, the water, even dogs. She told me she had “zero interest in spirituality,” but she let me teach her a simple meditation. She resisted a…

I Hate Where I’m in Life Right Now. What to Do?

There is a common trait among people on the spiritual path to self-actualization. Often, because we tend to focus so much on self-improvement, all of that effort can easily turn into us being hypercritical and negative about ourselves. Meanwhile, people who spend no time on introspection can be perfectly content being rude, lacking ambition, and having little success. So, how do we strive for a better future without hating where we…