What’s the Best Way to Treat Your Enemies?

Q: Dear Todd, how can Ukrainians respond with love to their enemies?TODD ANSWERS: Someone recently asked me how I can suggest that even people in Ukraine respond with love when their lives are in danger. The person went on to tell me that they struggle with spirituality because "we have fear for a reason and if a bear is charging at you, it doesn't care if you respond with love…

Make This Change to Feel More Satisfied With Your Life

We humans are striving animals. More than any other species, humans have big goals, dreams and ambitions. Only humans want to change the whole world. That's both why humans are so successful, but it's also why we're never quite satisfied. So how can we be happy with what we have while still striving for more? How can we struggle our way towards success, and yet be happy along the way?…

Grieving Alone: Finding Strength When Family and Friends Are Distant

Q: Dear Todd, my wife was the closest person to me and she died last year, and now I'm stuck on this hell rock of a planet. I'm not that close to a lot of my family. This woman I know who is a widow who I was getting close to, is now showing her true colors, and it's not in a good way. I'm really tired and waiting to…

How to Stop Obsessing Over Your Flaws & Imperfections

Learn to be Okay With Your Scars It’s a funny story of how we all got to be our own worst critics. It started with the mean comments we heard from others when we were kids. Next, we began to judge others to make ourselves feel better. And finally, once the voice in our head became hyper-critical of others, it inevitably turned its focus upon itself. This is how most…

How Can I Embrace Present Moment If It’s Bad?

The present moment is never bad. It just is. Life just happens. Our mind is what is doing all the suffering. It is our negative thoughts, our negative emotions (which we create negative thoughts about), and our desire to escape the present situation that make situations intolerable. When we are present, we are at peace, no matter what is happening around us. When we are thinking, especially when we are…

My Spiritual Journey Has Left Me Confused

Q: Dear Todd, I'm really going through a lot since I embarked on this spiritual journey. My life changed drastically. I have so many questions about what is going on with me. I do meditation but how can I turn this confusion around?Todd Answers: Luckily, only the mind creates confusion. When you let go of the desire for answers and clarity, not only do answers and clarity appear, but that…

Need Money for Financial Security – Is That Ego?

Q: I find meditation easier when I have the money to buy land away from people, know my bills are paid for life (yes I have anxiety), and have no chores to complete for the day. I don't want money to impress, I want money to RELAX - is that ego?Todd Answers: You are not wrong. Money is food, water, and security. The best thing we can do is recognize…

Path to Peace How to Get Through Life’s Most Difficult Situations

No life will be free from pain. We will see it in the people we love and we will see it in ourselves. Pain and loss are intricately intertwined in the journey of life. But this pain does not define us unless we let it. In today's podcast, I talk about the difference between pain and suffering. I share how we can start to look at pain without fear. And…

When You Are the Bad Guy in the Family

Q: Dear Todd, it's tough knowing that, (at the moment), I am the person bringing the people I love down. I know what living with "toxic negativity" is, but I am trying to forgive who I was and be a better me. I hope others can forgive me, (again), too. TODD ANSWERS: Awareness and good intentions are the first and the most important step of that healing and forgiving journey. Most…

How to Spiritually Overcome Your Bad Habits

Getting Rid of Your Unhealthy HabitsWhen we turn our attention inward, insights, ideas, wisdom and understanding arise. We allow space for ideas to enter.We also become experts in how our mind works. We no longer fall for the trap of neurosis because we are highly aware of its delusion. We no longer feed negativity because we now notice the patterns and can predict when it will come. We no longer…