When There is No Hope Left, Do This

From Path to Peace With Todd Perelmuter NewsletterHope is a funny thing. We like it, we crave it, and we feel we need it. But when things don’t go as we hoped, we suffer. Getting our hopes up and to have them crushed, over and over again, can be agonizing. So, what are we to do?The problem with hope is that wanting it causes our feelings of hopelessness. When we…

Why Does Life Always Seem to Be a Struggle?

Our mind is the determiner of whether we are happy and content, or longing and dissatisfied. We may think it is because of this situation or that one, but one way or another we find out that it always stems from our mind. The question is, will we learn to become the masters of our mind or not.Yes, we all wish for possessions, praise, friendships and a loving family. But,…

Path to Peace Two-Step Process to Clear the Chaos Within

There is only one way to overcome our  worries, fears, anger and mental suffering — we must understand the nature of our mind. When we understand the mind's nature, we become free from its tricks, games and neurotic tendencies. In today's podcast, I share two simple steps to understanding the mind and freeing ourselves from the inner chaos. I talk about what the mind is, how to deal with it…

6 Powerful Tips to Calm Down Anxiety Attack Immediately

Let’s face it, fear and anxiety levels are higher than they’ve ever been for most people around the world since the COVID'19. We were all brought down to the knees owing to the pandemic. But since we can’t control many aspects of our lives, and we can’t run away from our worries, the best thing to do is transform the way we perceive these constant threats, face and overcome our…

When the Present Keeps Reminding You of Your Past Mistake

The past does not exist. Its scars may still exist, but scars cannot control us. In this moment, we always have a choice. We can choose to let the past control us, or we can choose to stay present. First, we have to recognize that our belief that the past controls us is actually a choice. When something bad happens to us, we subconsciously choose to change our ways so…

Can Spiritual Awakening Change Our Karmic Debt?

Q: Dear Todd, if you did immoral things before you were awakened to the universal truths will you be held accountable for those things in this life or future lives?TODD ANSWERS: Is a tiger responsible for killing a gazelle? I don’t think so. I think it is a creature living out its own nature based on its past karma/cause-and-effect. When we act with unawareness, we are not in control. Only…

Can Meditation Cure Bipolar Disorder?

Meditation is a powerful tool for managing emotions and creating a sense of peace and equanimity through emotional highs and lows. I would highly recommend it for bipolar.I recommend starting with repeating a #mantra. It’s easy and a good way to get started. After a few weeks, give breath meditation a try where you just focus on your breath. Start slow and try to work your way up to 20…

Living your life in fears, failures and regrets

Does anyone here have a crystal ball that sees into the future? Do you have a genie’s lamp with unlimited wishes? And most importantly, do you think having those things would make you happier? Perhaps you’ve seen the Twilight Zone episode of the man who dies and goes to heaven. In heaven, he can have everything he could ever dream of just by thinking it into existence. Over time, the…

Addicted to Negative Thoughts? Learn to Control Your Mind

When we go on a downward spiral of negativity, underneath the thoughts are an attachment to those thoughts. This is the only reason we would mindlessly make ourselves suffer. Unconsciously, we want the drama, we want self-righteousness, we want the justified anger. AND, we unconsciously don’t want to let go, don’t want to accept, and don’t want to move on. The truth is, our value doesn’t come from others’ praise,…

How to Train Your Mind for Positive Thoughts

Hello beautiful soul,It took me 10 years of not drinking alcohol to finally realize that during my 10 years of drinking I was without a doubt a total alcoholic. I didn’t think I was. But one day it dawned on me, when alcohol touches my lips, I will drink it until I pass out. It’s the darndest thing.For ten plus years of heavy functional drinking, I was drinking because I…