Aloneness to Oneness | Best Spiritual Documentary Film on Non-duality

Year of Release: 2021

Length of the Film: 19 minutes

Only 5% of the stuff in our universe is made up of normal matter, but that is where most of us put 100% of our focus and attention.

This creates an illusion of separateness where we believe we are alone and that when our material body dies, that’s the end. We even call this stuff “matter” because we believe it is all that matters.

But, the other 95% of stuff in our universe is made up of energies and a mysterious dark matter, which actually govern our universe, our bodies, our experiences and our lives. 

This non-material universe can also be called the spiritual universe. As we tap into this spiritual dimension, we start to see how all things are connected, we see relationships, we feel energies, we sense intuition, and we discover the true nature of our mind. 

Aloneness to Oneness Documentary takes us on a journey where borders and barriers disappear, and open hearts and open minds take hold. 

It takes us to a place where anger, greed, hatred and fear cease to be, and only love, joy, peace and gratitude remain. 

Aloneness to Oneness (2021) on IMDb
aloneness to oneness

We Are the Universe

In a world that’s never been more connected, we have also never felt so lonely and isolated. We can be in huge crowds, but we can feel completely invisible. We can have thousands of followers and online “friends,” but no one to talk to at the end of the day. This movie will unravel the secrets to never feeling alone.

Unlike most of the TV and movies we watch – filled with fear and drama, mocking comedy or adrenaline-pumping action – Aloneness to Oneness documentary will leave you feeling lighter, calmer, happier, more peaceful and joyful than before.

Aloneness to Oneness​

22 Life Lessons to Change the Way You See The World

This book brings the thought-provoking ideas presented in the award-winning spiritual film, Aloneness to Oneness, to life. It expands on the concepts of oneness and lays the foundation for real and meaningful change.

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