What would make a young award-winning Creative Director at the world’s largest ad agency quit his job in New York and walk away from it all?
Insanity? Perhaps.
But in my case, it was a gnawing suspicion and curiosity that there was more to life than the eat, sleep, work, play lifestyle. I had read in the Bible that Jesus went into the desert for 40 days and came back Christ, ready to take on the Roman army. I heard that the Buddha sat under a tree for 49 days where he obtained supreme enlightenment.
Was enlightenment real? Could 40+ days of solitude be that transformational for everyone? Were those two men leaving an instruction booklet to future generations for how to overcome the worries and stress of our lives? I had to find out.
And so, that is exactly what I did. I quit my job, despite being offered “anything” I wanted to stay. I gave up my luxury high-rise apartment in Manhattan. I gave away or sold all of my belongings and I bought a one-way ticket to India.
Over the next 9 years, I lived in 35 countries with shamans, monks, gurus and tribes. I learned about 16 religions, spiritualities, and ancient tribal traditions and belief systems. I learned everything I could about every single meditation and spiritual practice I could find. All to prepare me for my 50 days of solitude in the middle of a huge forest in northern New Zealand.
Upon returning to the US with my unique knowledge, and seeing the huge amount of people who were consumed with worry, plagued by addiction, and not living their lives to the fullest, I knew I had to share what I had learned with the world.
Nothing brings me more joy than hearing that my films, podcasts and books have helped millions of people transform their lives when nothing else seemed to work. When we put love out into the universe, it always comes back tenfold. Sharing the keys to creating meaning and purpose in life has given me meaning and purpose. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to keep sharing what I’ve learned with so many beautiful souls. Read my interview here.
Here are my most recent books:
Weekly Writings from the Desk of Todd Perelmuter
In the Media
Mid Day: Aloneness to Oneness the Biggest Spiritual Film of All Time?
CBS (WLKY): Dealing with stress: Experts in Louisville offer tips, free classes
Yahoo News: Why Todd Perelmuter Quit His Dream Job to Go Live with Monks, Gurus, Shamans and Lamas
Zee5: Why Todd Perelmuter Quit His Dream Job to Go Live with Monks, Gurus, Shamans and Lamas
Talk with Rabbi Adam Jacobs of Aish: Courage and the Journey to Oneness
Monk on the Mountain Podcast: Todd Perelmuter: The Journey of 35 Countries Living with Shamans Monks and Gurus
Fighting Covid Stress with Meditation & Mindfulness
Everyone faced enormous stress during the pandemic, perhaps none more so than our frontline and essential workers. That’s why in 2020, EastWesticism provided free meditation and mindfulness classes to these brave men and women who were experiencing extreme stress. We helped over 20,000 people – many of whom were from New York City, the original epicenter of the virus – learn meditation, mindfulness, and other practical tools for lowering stress, staying focused, and being present at home and on the job.
"Happiness isn't about your job, bank account, house or spouse. It's about how happy you are when you take all those things away and are left to sit with yourself and your thoughts."
Todd Perelmuter
Todd Perelmuter is a spiritual speaker and writer based in New York City. He talks on topics related to inner peace, happiness, and stressfree living. He has authored various books including Aloneness to Oneness, The Way Out of Suffering and Finding Your True Self.
He previously worked as a Copywriter and Creative Director making funny commercials for brands like Burger King and Mountain Dew, before deciding to give it all up and embark on a spiritual journey around the world in 2016.
Todd was born in Louisville, Kentucky on 12th July 1983. As soon as he could speak, he had a curious and rebellious nature, not accepting anything without questioning, often to the frustration of adults. But, he survived childhood and later went on to the Savannah College of Art & Design for his studies and settled in New York City for work.