Should I Leave My Corrupt Country After Losing Everything?

Q: Dear Todd, I live in a developing country that is corrupt, where money and connections really matter. The people here seem irrational. I chose the wrong path back then, but I was sensible enough to recognize that it was a defining moment in my life. I made up my mind with courage, but now I’ve lost everything, including my relationships with important people. What should I do? Should I leave my country?

TODD ANSWERS: I understand that can be a very infuriating thing. I know some people who live in similarly developing countries and they are rightfully angry at society. It may be the case that you should leave your country. But it is very possible that where you go next could be more corrupt and exclusive. So, while you make that decision, the key is to accept where you are in your journey as you continue moving forward.

There are no right or wrong choices. There is only doing our best, as you tried to do when you were younger. There is no guarantee that if you had made a different choice that life would be any better.

Whatever we do was meant to be done. Whatever we get was meant to be ours. Whatever we miss was never meant for us. Trust the universe. Trust your heart and gut.

Your lack of connections and possessions may be painful, but they also give you the freedom to choose any path you wish. Meditate on the life you really want and how you want to be spending your days. Then get to work taking action to make it happen. You may see someone who has nothing, but I see someone who has nothing stopping them.

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