Making Impulsive Decisions That You Regret Later

Q: I was the happiest and kindest person ever. But one day, influenced by my friend, I made the huge mistake of getting a color tattoo on my whole forearm. I regret it now and I am overwhelmed by hating myself. Any thoughts?

Todd Answers: You are not suffering because of the tattoo. You are suffering because of your attachment to a conceived idea of how your body should be. Some people have no legs, some people have scars all over, and many people can barely get around. You are very blessed. This little tattoo that reminds you of one bad moment can be your spiritual teacher, giving you the opportunity to discover peace, even when it’s difficult. Many people with much greater disfigurments have found a way to make peace and I am confident you can too.

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter

  • Post category:Guilt & Regret
  • Post published:July 2, 2024
  • Reading time:1 mins read