14 Inspirational Quotes After Losing a Loved One

  1. If grief is love unexpressed, then express that love to yourself so the healing can take place.

  2. When we relinquish our attempt to control or suppress our grief and simply allow it to exist, we grant it the freedom to unfold naturally.

  3. Understanding impermanence on a deep level, and being aware of it rids the mind of any ability to experience loss, grief, sorrow, and detachment. Only the nonmaterial, empty space, light of Consciousness is permanent. This is real. This is worth focusing on.

  4. The miracle of death is the miracle of life. There is no life without death.

  5. There would be no grief if there was no love.

  6. When we realize that there’s no single moment we’re born, there’s no single moment we die, we become free from the binary delusion of duality.

  7. The better we understand death, the more we can understand life.

  8. Let the love that lies at the core of your grief heal and transform you.

  9. Permanence is an illusion. Attachment is a delusion.

  10. We are guaranteed not one more breath, and yet every single moment is infused with the miracle and joy of life.

  11. Contained within every storm is the rainbow at the end, within every dark night is a sunrise, within every birth is death, and within every love is grief.

  12. The only way to have a life free from loss is to have a life free from love. And as difficult as it may be in times of loss, we all choose a life of love.

  13. The more deeply we turn inward, the quicker and easier it’ll be to get through to the other side of grief.

  14. Every beginning and ending are simply illusions. There was something even before that beginning. And after every ending, life still goes on. The more we understand on a deep level this impermanence, the more peace and joy we can bring to every situation.

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter

The Art of Gratitude | Short Film

Gratitude is the most important human emotion because it alone determines the quality of our life. This film is a roadmap back to our grateful hearts.