13 Inspirational Quotes About Not Giving Up

  1. The only failures are people who believe the story of failure they tell about themselves.

  2. Failure is only a person who is down at the moment. But we can all get back up. Unless we give up and stay on the floor, there’s no such thing as failure.

  3. Many of us are too afraid to think we can achieve big dreams, so we don’t even start. Fear of failure is the most debilitating fear there is because it almost guarantees failure. And it’s a near guarantee that we won’t even start and try.

  4. Failure can also be framed as a learning opportunity, as an experience that was necessary to get to where we want to go. A difficult challenge can be looked at as either an obstacle or an opportunity.

  5. Humans mistake nearly every situation we find ourselves in as permanent.

  6. Only reason we think life is not perfect is because we’re living in the world of “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts.”

  7. Take a step back, give yourself some mental distance from what is happening, and simply enjoy all the change that happens in your life.

  8. True confidence is knowing that what is meant for you will come, and what isn’t meant for you is none of your concern.

  9. Progress doesn’t happen in a perfectly smooth line.

  10. There is no such thing as a failure. You might catch Michael Jordan on a bad day, missing every shot, and looking like a real failure on the court. But if you were to stop watching, you would think that was the end of his story.

  11. We don’t have to let learning from the past come with feelings of inferiority or failure. Learning is beautiful. No one was born a genius with all the answers.

  12. There can be no success without failure and there can be no achievement without defeat. These are the stepping stones, and the stumbling blocks, on our path to greatness, love, peace and joy. Sometimes our greatest difficulty is our greatest gift.

  13. Failure and success are nothing more than stories we tell ourselves. They are ways we frame our situations. And if we can frame a situation, we can also reframe it.

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter

The Art of Gratitude | Short Film

Gratitude is the most important human emotion because it alone determines the quality of our life. This film is a roadmap back to our grateful hearts.