12 Spiritual Motivational Quotes to Change Your Life

  1. Everyday for a few moments, put away all distractions and find peace in the present moment, in the stillness.

  2. There is awe and wonder and beauty in everything. If you don’t see it, you have to look deeper because it’s there.

  3. As long as you make a life worth living, as long as your job is just a job, and the more you can be happy for other people’s successes and happy with your own shortcomings, the richer your life will be.

  4. Spirituality is all about: getting peace, giving peace.

  5. We can embrace the great unknown, we can see the beautiful mystery of life without needing answers, and we can accept an uncertain future.

  6. We either control our mind, or our past will control us. The choice is up to us. All it takes is being present to break free from our conditioning.

  7. We are always fearful of losing what we have, ungrateful for what we do have, and afraid of change. That is the essence of attachment when you get right down to it — misidentifying temporary phenomena as permanent.

  8. Humans have two modes of operation: being and doing. A flower blooms through being. When our mind is calm, we can do all sorts of things — this is doing through being.

  9. When we can see the life and humanity in everyone, all cruelty would cease immediately. We would see that we are all one, life seeing life, instead of egos seeing egos.

  10. We think that the world we see is being projected onto our mind. But the truth is, our mind is projected onto the world.

  11. By lifting up others, we put them in a position where they can lift even more people up. Eventually, we can create a world where if we ever stumble and need a hand, someone will be there to lift us up too.

  12. only by making total peace with ourselves, our thoughts, and our situations that we can become perfectly blissful and content.

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter

The Art of Gratitude | Short Film

Gratitude is the most important human emotion because it alone determines the quality of our life. This film is a roadmap back to our grateful hearts.