11 Inspirational Quotes for Tough Times

1. It’s so important that we take time to heal. That means not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually too. Others may think that’s selfish and we may feel guilty, but it’s the most thoughtful, considerate, and compassionate thing we can do.

2. As long as you learn from a mistake, there is no mistake.

3. Nobody is perfect. No matter what, no matter how rich they are, no one has a perfect life. No one’s a perfect person​​. We’re all doing our best. We all make mistakes.There’s no reason to be harder on ourselves than we would be of anyone else. Go easy on yourself. You’re worth it.

4. The mind says, “I expect this good thing to last forever,” and not realizing the simple fact that it will surely end, we suffer. When the object of our craving inevitably ends, as everything does, a disturbance arises out of what is and what we wish to be. And by realizing this trap of impermanent fleeting pleasure we can free ourselves from this cycle of pleasure and pain.

5. All you have to do is take one breath at a time, take one step at a time, and take one day at a time. You don’t need to carry your entire future on your shoulders every moment. Just this moment, because that’s all there is.

6. Even one moment of presence and peace is priceless.

7. No matter what we are going through, happiness is always available. All we have to do is realize that it doesn’t lie in some imagined future, some idyllic past, or some far away place.

8. Zoomed in, life seems chaotic. We see the drama, the fights, the yelling, the car crashes, and so on. But from space, everything seems peaceful on Earth. From even farther, we’re no more than a blue dot floating in blackness.

9. When we attach ourselves to the story our mind tells us, we inevitably become locked in the prison of our own mind. And we become the prison guard.

10. We think we suffer because of some external situation, but suffering doesn’t exist outside of ourselves. It is a mental creation stemming from our craving for temporary phenomena to last forever.

11. We can’t fix a car if we don’t look under the hood. So we only have to do one thing to fix all our problems in life, look within.

Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter Newsletter

The Art of Gratitude | Short Film

Gratitude is the most important human emotion because it alone determines the quality of our life. This film is a roadmap back to our grateful hearts.